-- The Agda standard library
-- Some Vector-related properties

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Functional.Properties where

open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Fin.Base
open import Data.Nat as 
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.List.Base as L using (List)
import Data.List.Properties as Lₚ
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Vec.Base as V using (Vec)
import Data.Vec.Properties as Vₚ
open import Data.Vec.Functional
open import Function.Base
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (DecidableEquality; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
  using (Dec; does; yes; no; map′; _×-dec_)

import Data.Fin.Properties as Finₚ

    a b c : Level
    A B C : Set a
    m n : 


module _ {xs ys : Vector A (suc n)} where

  ∷-cong : head xs  head ys  tail xs  tail ys  xs  ys
  ∷-cong eq _ zero    = eq
  ∷-cong _ eq (suc i) = eq i

  ∷-injective : xs  ys  head xs  head ys × tail xs  tail ys
  ∷-injective eq = eq zero , eq  suc

≗-dec : DecidableEquality A  Decidable {A = Vector A n} _≗_
≗-dec {n = zero}  _≟_ xs ys = yes λ ()
≗-dec {n = suc n} _≟_ xs ys =
  map′ (Product.uncurry ∷-cong) ∷-injective
       (head xs  head ys ×-dec ≗-dec _≟_ (tail xs) (tail ys))

-- updateAt

-- (+) updateAt i actually updates the element at index i.

updateAt-updates :  (i : Fin n) {f : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                   updateAt xs i f i  f (xs i)
updateAt-updates zero    xs = refl
updateAt-updates (suc i) xs = updateAt-updates i (tail xs)

-- (-) updateAt i does not touch the elements at other indices.

updateAt-minimal :  (i j : Fin n) {f : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                   i  j  updateAt xs j f i  xs i
updateAt-minimal zero    zero    xs 0≢0 = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)
updateAt-minimal zero    (suc j) xs _   = refl
updateAt-minimal (suc i) zero    xs _   = refl
updateAt-minimal (suc i) (suc j) xs i≢j = updateAt-minimal i j (tail xs) (i≢j  cong suc)

-- updateAt i is a monoid morphism from A → A to Vector A n → Vector A n.

updateAt-id-local :  (i : Fin n) {f : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                    f (xs i)  xs i 
                    updateAt xs i f  xs
updateAt-id-local zero    xs eq zero    = eq
updateAt-id-local zero    xs eq (suc j) = refl
updateAt-id-local (suc i) xs eq zero    = refl
updateAt-id-local (suc i) xs eq (suc j) = updateAt-id-local i (tail xs) eq j

updateAt-id :  (i : Fin n) (xs : Vector A n) 
              updateAt xs i id  xs
updateAt-id i xs = updateAt-id-local i xs refl

updateAt-updateAt-local :  (i : Fin n) {f g h : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                          f (g (xs i))  h (xs i) 
                          updateAt (updateAt xs i g) i f  updateAt xs i h
updateAt-updateAt-local zero    xs eq zero    = eq
updateAt-updateAt-local zero    xs eq (suc j) = refl
updateAt-updateAt-local (suc i) xs eq zero    = refl
updateAt-updateAt-local (suc i) xs eq (suc j) = updateAt-updateAt-local i (tail xs) eq j

updateAt-updateAt :  (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                    updateAt (updateAt xs i g) i f  updateAt xs i (f  g)
updateAt-updateAt i xs = updateAt-updateAt-local i xs refl

updateAt-cong-local :  (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} (xs : Vector A n) 
                      f (xs i)  g (xs i) 
                      updateAt xs i f  updateAt xs i g
updateAt-cong-local zero    xs eq zero    = eq
updateAt-cong-local zero    xs eq (suc j) = refl
updateAt-cong-local (suc i) xs eq zero    = refl
updateAt-cong-local (suc i) xs eq (suc j) = updateAt-cong-local i (tail xs) eq j

updateAt-cong :  (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A}  f  g  (xs : Vector A n) 
                updateAt xs i f  updateAt xs i g
updateAt-cong i eq xs = updateAt-cong-local i xs (eq (xs i))

-- The order of updates at different indices i ≢ j does not matter.

updateAt-commutes :  (i j : Fin n) {f g : A  A}  i  j  (xs : Vector A n) 
                    updateAt (updateAt xs j g) i f  updateAt (updateAt xs i f) j g
updateAt-commutes zero    zero    0≢0 xs k       = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)
updateAt-commutes zero    (suc j) _   xs zero    = refl
updateAt-commutes zero    (suc j) _   xs (suc k) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) zero    _   xs zero    = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) zero    _   xs (suc k) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) (suc j) _   xs zero    = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) (suc j) i≢j xs (suc k) = updateAt-commutes i j (i≢j  cong suc) (tail xs) k

-- map

map-id : (xs : Vector A n)  map id xs  xs
map-id xs = λ _  refl

map-cong :  {f g : A  B}  f  g  (xs : Vector A n)  map f xs  map g xs
map-cong f≗g xs = f≗g  xs

map-∘ :  {f : B  C} {g : A  B} (xs : Vector A n) 
        map (f  g) xs  map f (map g xs)
map-∘ xs = λ _  refl

lookup-map :  (i : Fin n) (f : A  B) (xs : Vector A n) 
             map f xs i  f (xs i)
lookup-map i f xs = refl

map-updateAt-local :  {f : A  B} {g : A  A} {h : B  B}
                     (xs : Vector A n) (i : Fin n) 
                     f (g (xs i))  h (f (xs i)) 
                     map f (updateAt xs i g)  updateAt (map f xs) i h
map-updateAt-local {n = suc n}       {f = f} xs zero    eq zero    = eq
map-updateAt-local {n = suc n}       {f = f} xs zero    eq (suc j) = refl
map-updateAt-local {n = suc (suc n)} {f = f} xs (suc i) eq zero    = refl
map-updateAt-local {n = suc (suc n)} {f = f} xs (suc i) eq (suc j) = map-updateAt-local {f = f} (tail xs) i eq j

map-updateAt :  {f : A  B} {g : A  A} {h : B  B} 
               f  g  h  f 
               (xs : Vector A n) (i : Fin n) 
               map f (updateAt xs i g)  updateAt (map f xs) i h
map-updateAt {f = f} {g = g} f∘g≗h∘f xs i = map-updateAt-local {f = f} {g = g} xs i (f∘g≗h∘f (xs i))

-- _++_

lookup-++-< :  (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector A n) 
               i (i<m : toℕ i ℕ.< m) 
              (xs ++ ys) i  xs (fromℕ< i<m)
lookup-++-< {m = m} xs ys i i<m = cong Sum.[ xs , ys ] (Finₚ.splitAt-< m i i<m)

lookup-++-≥ :  (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector A n) 
               i (i≥m : toℕ i ℕ.≥ m) 
              (xs ++ ys) i  ys (reduce≥ i i≥m)
lookup-++-≥ {m = m} xs ys i i≥m = cong Sum.[ xs , ys ] (Finₚ.splitAt-≥ m i i≥m)

lookup-++ˡ :  (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector A n) i 
             (xs ++ ys) (i ↑ˡ n)  xs i
lookup-++ˡ {m = m} {n = n} xs ys i = cong Sum.[ xs , ys ] (Finₚ.splitAt-↑ˡ m i n)

lookup-++ʳ :  (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector A n) i 
             (xs ++ ys) (m ↑ʳ i)  ys i
lookup-++ʳ {m = m} {n = n} xs ys i = cong Sum.[ xs , ys ] (Finₚ.splitAt-↑ʳ m n i)

module _ {ys ys′ : Vector A m} where

  ++-cong :  (xs xs′ : Vector A n) 
            xs  xs′  ys  ys′  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′
  ++-cong {n} xs xs′ eq₁ eq₂ i with toℕ i ℕₚ.<? n
  ... | yes i<n = begin
    (xs ++ ys) i      ≡⟨ lookup-++-< xs ys i i<n 
    xs (fromℕ< i<n)   ≡⟨ eq₁ (fromℕ< i<n) 
    xs′ (fromℕ< i<n)  ≡⟨ lookup-++-< xs′ ys′ i i<n 
    (xs′ ++ ys′) i    
    where open ≡-Reasoning
  ... | no i≮n = begin
    (xs ++ ys) i               ≡⟨ lookup-++-≥ xs ys i (ℕₚ.≮⇒≥ i≮n) 
    ys (reduce≥ i (ℕₚ.≮⇒≥ i≮n))   ≡⟨ eq₂ (reduce≥ i (ℕₚ.≮⇒≥ i≮n)) 
    ys′ (reduce≥ i (ℕₚ.≮⇒≥ i≮n))  ≡⟨ lookup-++-≥ xs′ ys′ i (ℕₚ.≮⇒≥ i≮n) 
    (xs′ ++ ys′) i             
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  ++-injectiveˡ :  (xs xs′ : Vector A n) 
                  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  xs  xs′
  ++-injectiveˡ xs xs′ eq i = begin
    xs i                   ≡⟨ lookup-++ˡ xs ys i 
    (xs ++ ys) (i ↑ˡ m)    ≡⟨ eq (i ↑ˡ m) 
    (xs′ ++ ys′) (i ↑ˡ m)  ≡⟨ lookup-++ˡ xs′ ys′ i 
    xs′ i                  
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  ++-injectiveʳ :  (xs xs′ : Vector A n)  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  ys  ys′
  ++-injectiveʳ {n} xs xs′ eq i = begin
    ys i                   ≡⟨ lookup-++ʳ xs ys i 
    (xs ++ ys) (n ↑ʳ i)    ≡⟨ eq (n ↑ʳ i)   
    (xs′ ++ ys′) (n ↑ʳ i)  ≡⟨ lookup-++ʳ xs′ ys′ i 
    ys′ i                  
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  ++-injective :  (xs xs′ : Vector A n) 
                 xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  xs  xs′ × ys  ys′
  ++-injective xs xs′ eq = ++-injectiveˡ xs xs′ eq , ++-injectiveʳ xs xs′ eq

-- insertAt

insertAt-lookup :  (xs : Vector A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) 
                  insertAt xs i v i  v
insertAt-lookup {n = n}     xs zero    v = refl
insertAt-lookup {n = suc n} xs (suc i) v = insertAt-lookup (tail xs) i v

insertAt-punchIn :  (xs : Vector A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A)
                   (j : Fin n) 
                   insertAt xs i v (punchIn i j)  xs j
insertAt-punchIn {n = suc n} xs zero    v j       = refl
insertAt-punchIn {n = suc n} xs (suc i) v zero    = refl
insertAt-punchIn {n = suc n} xs (suc i) v (suc j) = insertAt-punchIn (tail xs) i v j

-- removeAt

removeAt-punchOut :  (xs : Vector A (suc n))
                  {i : Fin (suc n)} {j : Fin (suc n)} (i≢j : i  j) 
                  removeAt xs i (punchOut i≢j)  xs j
removeAt-punchOut {n = n}     xs {zero}  {zero}  i≢j = ⊥-elim (i≢j refl)
removeAt-punchOut {n = suc n} xs {zero}  {suc j} i≢j = refl
removeAt-punchOut {n = suc n} xs {suc i} {zero}  i≢j = refl
removeAt-punchOut {n = suc n} xs {suc i} {suc j} i≢j = removeAt-punchOut (tail xs) (i≢j  cong suc)

removeAt-insertAt :  (xs : Vector A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) 
                    removeAt (insertAt xs i v) i  xs
removeAt-insertAt xs zero    v j       = refl
removeAt-insertAt xs (suc i) v zero    = refl
removeAt-insertAt xs (suc i) v (suc j) = removeAt-insertAt (tail xs) i v j

insertAt-removeAt :  (xs : Vector A (suc n)) (i : Fin (suc n)) 
                    insertAt (removeAt xs i) i (xs i)  xs
insertAt-removeAt {n = n}     xs zero    zero    = refl
insertAt-removeAt {n = n}     xs zero    (suc j) = refl
insertAt-removeAt {n = suc n} xs (suc i) zero    = refl
insertAt-removeAt {n = suc n} xs (suc i) (suc j) = insertAt-removeAt (tail xs) i j

-- Conversion functions

toVec∘fromVec : (xs : Vec A n)  toVec (fromVec xs)  xs
toVec∘fromVec = Vₚ.tabulate∘lookup

fromVec∘toVec : (xs : Vector A n)  fromVec (toVec xs)  xs
fromVec∘toVec = Vₚ.lookup∘tabulate

toList∘fromList : (xs : List A)  toList (fromList xs)  xs
toList∘fromList = Lₚ.tabulate-lookup

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

updateAt-id-relative = updateAt-id-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-id-relative
"Warning: updateAt-id-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-id-local instead."
updateAt-compose-relative = updateAt-updateAt-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-compose-relative
"Warning: updateAt-compose-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-updateAt-local instead."
updateAt-compose = updateAt-updateAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-compose
"Warning: updateAt-compose was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-updateAt instead."
updateAt-cong-relative = updateAt-cong-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-cong-relative
"Warning: updateAt-cong-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-cong-local instead."

insert-lookup = insertAt-lookup
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-lookup
"Warning: insert-lookup was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-lookup instead."
insert-punchIn = insertAt-punchIn
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-punchIn
"Warning: insert-punchIn was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-punchIn instead."
remove-punchOut = removeAt-punchOut
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE remove-punchOut
"Warning: remove-punchOut was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use removeAt-punchOut instead."
remove-insert = removeAt-insertAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE remove-insert
"Warning: remove-insert was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use removeAt-insertAt instead."
insert-remove = insertAt-removeAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-remove
"Warning: insert-remove was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-removeAt instead."