-- The Agda standard library
-- Non empty trie, basic type and operations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (StrictTotalOrder)

module Data.Trie.NonEmpty {k e r} (S : StrictTotalOrder k e r) where

open import Level
open import Size
open import Effect.Monad
open import Data.Product.Base as Prod using (; uncurry; -,_)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺ using (List⁺; [_]; concatMap)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just; maybe′) hiding (module Maybe)
open import Data.These as These using (These; this; that; these)
open import Function.Base as F
import Function.Identity.Effectful as Identity
open import Relation.Unary using (_⇒_; IUniversal)

open StrictTotalOrder S
  using (module Eq)
  renaming (Carrier to Key)

open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid Eq.setoid
open import Data.Tree.AVL.Value hiding (Value)
open import Data.Tree.AVL.Value ≋-setoid using (Value)
open import Data.Tree.AVL.NonEmpty S as Tree⁺ using (Tree⁺)
open Value

-- Definition

-- A Trie⁺ is a tree branching over an alphabet of Keys. It stores
-- values indexed over the Word (i.e. List Key) that was read to reach
-- them. Each node in the Trie⁺ contains either a value, a non-empty
-- Tree of sub-Trie⁺ reached by reading an extra letter, or both.

Word : Set k
Word = List Key

eat :  {v}  Value v  Word  Value v
family   (eat V ks) = family   V ∘′ (ks ++_)
respects (eat V ks) = respects V ∘′ ++⁺ ≋-refl

data Trie⁺ {v} (V : Value v) : Size  Set (v  k  e  r)
Tries⁺ :  {v} (V : Value v) (i : Size)  Set (v  k  e  r)

map :  {v w} (V : Value v) (W : Value w) {i} 
      ∀[ family V  family W ] 
      Trie⁺ V i  Trie⁺ W i

data Trie⁺ V where
  node :  {i}  These (family V []) (Tries⁺ V i)  Trie⁺ V ( i)

Tries⁺ V j = Tree⁺ $ MkValue  k  Trie⁺ (eat V (k  [])) j)
                   $ λ eq  map _ _ (respects V (eq  ≋-refl))

map V W f (node t) = node $ These.map f (Tree⁺.map (map _ _ f)) t

-- Query

lookup :  {v} {V : Value v}  Trie⁺ V    ks 
         Maybe (These (family V ks) (Tries⁺ (eat V ks) ))
lookup (node nd) []       = just (These.map₂ (Tree⁺.map id) nd)
lookup (node nd) (k  ks) = let open Maybe in do
  ts  These.fromThat nd
  t   Tree⁺.lookup ts k
  lookup t ks

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

  lookupValue : Trie⁺ V   (ks : Word)  Maybe (family V ks)
  lookupValue t ks = lookup t ks Maybe.>>= These.fromThis

  lookupTries⁺ : Trie⁺ V    ks  Maybe (Tries⁺ (eat V ks) )
  lookupTries⁺ t ks = lookup t ks Maybe.>>= These.fromThat

  lookupTrie⁺ : Trie⁺ V    k  Maybe (Trie⁺ (eat V (k  [])) )
  lookupTrie⁺ t k = lookupTries⁺ t [] Maybe.>>= λ ts  Tree⁺.lookup ts k

-- Construction

singleton :  {v} {V : Value v} ks  family V ks  Trie⁺ V 
singleton []       v = node (this v)
singleton (k  ks) v = node (that (Tree⁺.singleton k (singleton ks v)))

insertWith :  {v} {V : Value v} ks  (Maybe (family V ks)  family V ks) 
             Trie⁺ V   Trie⁺ V 
insertWith []       f (node nd) =
  node (These.fold (this  f  just) (these (f nothing)) (these  f  just) nd)
insertWith {v} {V} (k  ks) f (node {j} nd) = node $
  These.fold  v  these v (Tree⁺.singleton k end))
             (that ∘′ rec)
              v  these v ∘′ rec)

  end : Trie⁺ (eat V (k  [])) 
  end = singleton ks (f nothing)

  rec : Tries⁺ V   Tries⁺ V 
  rec = Tree⁺.insertWith k (maybe′ (insertWith ks f) end)

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

  private Val = family V

  insert :  ks  Val ks  Trie⁺ V   Trie⁺ V 
  insert ks = insertWith ks ∘′ F.const

  fromList⁺ : List⁺ ( Val)  Trie⁺ V 
  fromList⁺ = List⁺.foldr (uncurry insert) (uncurry singleton)

toList⁺ :  {v} {V : Value v} {i}  let Val = Value.family V in
          Trie⁺ V i  List⁺ ( Val)
toList⁺ (node nd) = These.mergeThese List⁺._⁺++⁺_
                    $ These.map fromVal fromTries⁺ nd

  fromVal    = [_] ∘′ -,_
  fromTrie⁺  = λ (k , v)  List⁺.map (Prod.map (k ∷_) id) (toList⁺ v)
  fromTries⁺ = concatMap fromTrie⁺ ∘′ Tree⁺.toList⁺

-- Modification

-- Deletion

deleteWith :  {v} {V : Value v} {i} ks 
             (∀ {i}  Trie⁺ (eat V ks) i  Maybe (Trie⁺ (eat V ks) i)) 
             Trie⁺ V i  Maybe (Trie⁺ V i)
deleteWith []       f t           = f t
deleteWith (k  ks) f t@(node nd) = let open RawMonad Identity.monad in do
  just ts  These.fromThat nd where _  just t
  -- This would be a lot cleaner if we had
  -- Tree⁺.updateWith : ∀ k → (Maybe (V k) → Maybe (V k)) → AVL → AVL
  -- Instead we lookup the subtree, update it and either put it back in
  -- or delete the corresponding leaf depending on whether the result is successful.
  just t′  Tree⁺.lookup ts k where _  just t
  Maybe.map node ∘′ Maybe.align (These.fromThis nd) $′ case deleteWith ks f t′ of λ where
    nothing   Tree⁺.delete k ts
    (just u)  just (Tree⁺.insert k u ts)

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

  deleteTrie⁺ :  {i} (ks : Word)  Trie⁺ V i  Maybe (Trie⁺ V i)
  deleteTrie⁺ ks = deleteWith ks (F.const nothing)

  deleteValue :  {i} (ks : Word)  Trie⁺ V i  Maybe (Trie⁺ V i)
  deleteValue ks = deleteWith ks $ λ where
    (node nd)  Maybe.map node $′ These.deleteThis nd

  deleteTries⁺ :  {i} (ks : Word)  Trie⁺ V i  Maybe (Trie⁺ V i)
  deleteTries⁺ ks = deleteWith ks $ λ where
    (node nd)  Maybe.map node $′ These.deleteThat nd