{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Example.UniqueBoundVariables (Base : Set) where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; sym; cong; subst; module ≡-Reasoning)
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_; [_])
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (Null; [])
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional using
( _⊆_; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_
; ⊆-refl; ⊆-trans; minimum
; from∈; to∈; lookup
; ⊆-pushoutˡ; RawPushout
; Disjoint; DisjointUnion
; separateˡ; Separation
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Properties using
( ∷ˡ⁻
; ⊆-trans-assoc
; from∈∘to∈; from∈∘lookup; lookup-⊆-trans
; ⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo
; Disjoint→DisjointUnion; DisjointUnion→Disjoint
; Disjoint-sym; DisjointUnion-inj₁; DisjointUnion-inj₂; DisjointUnion-[]ʳ
; weakenDisjoint; weakenDisjointUnion; shrinkDisjointˡ
; disjoint⇒disjoint-to-union; DisjointUnion-fromAny∘toAny-∷ˡ⁻
; equalize-separators
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)
infixr 8 _⇒_
infix 1 _⊢_~_▷_
data Ty : Set where
base : (o : Base) → Ty
_⇒_ : (a b : Ty) → Ty
Cxt = List Ty
a b : Ty
Γ Δ : Cxt
x y : a ∈ Γ
module DeBruijn where
data Tm (Δ : Cxt) : (a : Ty) → Set where
var : (x : a ∈ Δ) → Tm Δ a
abs : (t : Tm (a ∷ Δ) b) → Tm Δ (a ⇒ b)
app : (t : Tm Δ (a ⇒ b)) (u : Tm Δ a) → Tm Δ b
BVars = List Ty
B : BVars
noBV : Null B
β βₜ βᵤ yβ β\y : B ⊆ Γ
module UniquelyNamed where
data Tm (β : B ⊆ Γ) : (a : Ty) → Set where
var : (noBV : Null B)
(x : a ∈ Γ)
→ Tm β a
abs : (y : a ∈ Γ)
(y# : DisjointUnion (from∈ y) β\y β)
(t : Tm β\y b)
→ Tm β (a ⇒ b)
app : (t : Tm βₜ (a ⇒ b))
(u : Tm βᵤ a)
(t#u : DisjointUnion βₜ βᵤ β)
→ Tm β b
pattern var! x = var [] x
weakenBV : ∀ {Γ B Γ′} {β : B ⊆ Γ} (γ : Γ ⊆ Γ′) →
Tm β a → Tm (⊆-trans β γ) a
weakenBV γ (var noBV x) = var noBV (lookup γ x)
weakenBV γ (app t u t#u) = app (weakenBV γ t) (weakenBV γ u) (weakenDisjointUnion γ t#u)
weakenBV γ (abs y y# t) = abs y′ y′# (weakenBV γ t)
y′ = lookup γ y
y′# = subst (λ □ → DisjointUnion □ _ _) (sym (from∈∘lookup _ _)) (weakenDisjointUnion γ y#)
open DeBruijn renaming (Tm to Exp)
open UniquelyNamed
t u : Tm β a
f e : Exp Δ a
δ yδ : Δ ⊆ Γ
data _⊢_~_▷_ {Γ Δ : Cxt} (δ : Δ ⊆ Γ) : ∀{a} (e : Exp Δ a) {B} (β : B ⊆ Γ) (t : Tm β a) → Set where
var : ∀{y} (δx≡y : lookup δ x ≡ y) (δ#β : Disjoint δ β)
→ δ ⊢ var x ~ β ▷ var! y
abs : (y#δ : DisjointUnion (from∈ y) δ yδ)
→ (y#β : DisjointUnion (from∈ y) β yβ)
→ yδ ⊢ e ~ β ▷ t
→ δ ⊢ abs e ~ yβ ▷ abs y y#β t
app : δ ⊢ f ~ βₜ ▷ t
→ δ ⊢ e ~ βᵤ ▷ u
→ (t#u : DisjointUnion βₜ βᵤ β)
→ δ ⊢ app f e ~ β ▷ app t u t#u
subst~ : ∀ {a Δ Γ B} {δ δ′ : Δ ⊆ Γ} {β β′ : B ⊆ Γ}
{e : Exp Δ a} {t : Tm β a} {t′ : Tm β′ a}
(δ≡δ′ : δ ≡ δ′)
(β≡β′ : β ≡ β′)
(t≡t′ : subst (λ □ → Tm □ a) β≡β′ t ≡ t′) →
δ ⊢ e ~ β ▷ t →
δ′ ⊢ e ~ β′ ▷ t′
subst~ refl refl refl d = d
weaken~ : ∀{a Δ B Γ Γ′} {δ : Δ ⊆ Γ} {β : B ⊆ Γ} {e : Exp Δ a} {t : Tm β a} (γ : Γ ⊆ Γ′)
(let δ′ = ⊆-trans δ γ)
(let β′ = ⊆-trans β γ)
(let t′ = weakenBV γ t) →
δ ⊢ e ~ β ▷ t →
δ′ ⊢ e ~ β′ ▷ t′
weaken~ γ (var refl δ#β) = var (lookup-⊆-trans γ _) (weakenDisjoint γ δ#β)
weaken~ γ (abs y#δ y#β d) = abs y′#δ′ y′#β′ (weaken~ γ d)
y′#δ′ = subst (λ □ → DisjointUnion □ _ _) (sym (from∈∘lookup _ _)) (weakenDisjointUnion γ y#δ)
y′#β′ = subst (λ □ → DisjointUnion □ _ _) (sym (from∈∘lookup _ _)) (weakenDisjointUnion γ y#β)
weaken~ γ (app dₜ dᵤ t#u) = app (weaken~ γ dₜ) (weaken~ γ dᵤ) (weakenDisjointUnion γ t#u)
disjoint-fv-bv : δ ⊢ e ~ β ▷ t → Disjoint δ β
disjoint-fv-bv (var _ δ#β) = δ#β
disjoint-fv-bv {β = yβ} (abs y⊎δ y⊎β d) = δ#yβ
δ#y = Disjoint-sym (DisjointUnion→Disjoint y⊎δ)
yδ#β = disjoint-fv-bv d
δ⊆yδ,eq = DisjointUnion-inj₂ y⊎δ
δ⊆yδ = proj₁ δ⊆yδ,eq
eq = proj₂ δ⊆yδ,eq
δ#β = subst (λ □ → Disjoint □ _) eq (shrinkDisjointˡ δ⊆yδ yδ#β)
δ#yβ = disjoint⇒disjoint-to-union δ#y δ#β y⊎β
disjoint-fv-bv (app dₜ dᵤ βₜ⊎βᵤ) = disjoint⇒disjoint-to-union δ#βₜ δ#βᵤ βₜ⊎βᵤ
δ#βₜ = disjoint-fv-bv dₜ
δ#βᵤ = disjoint-fv-bv dᵤ
record NamedOf (e : Exp Δ a) : Set where
constructor mkNamedOf
{glob} : Cxt
emb : Δ ⊆ glob
{bv} : BVars
bound : bv ⊆ glob
{tm} : Tm bound a
relate : emb ⊢ e ~ bound ▷ tm
dB→Named : (e : Exp Δ a) → NamedOf e
dB→Named (var x) = record
{ emb = ⊆-refl
; bound = minimum _
; relate = var refl (DisjointUnion→Disjoint DisjointUnion-[]ʳ)
dB→Named {Δ = Δ} {a = a ⇒ b} (abs e) with dB→Named e
... | record{ glob = Γ; emb = zδ; bound = β; relate = d } =
{ glob = Γ
; emb = δ̇
; bound = proj₁ (proj₂ z⊎β)
; relate = abs [a]⊆Γ⊎δ (proj₂ (proj₂ z⊎β)) d
zδ#β = disjoint-fv-bv d
z : a ∈ Γ
z = to∈ zδ
[a]⊆Γ = from∈ z
δ̇ = ∷ˡ⁻ zδ
[a]⊆Γ⊎δ = DisjointUnion-fromAny∘toAny-∷ˡ⁻ zδ
[a]⊆aΔ : [ a ] ⊆ (a ∷ Δ)
[a]⊆aΔ = refl ∷ minimum _
eq : ⊆-trans [a]⊆aΔ zδ ≡ [a]⊆Γ
eq = sym (from∈∘to∈ _)
z#β : Disjoint [a]⊆Γ β
z#β = subst (λ □ → Disjoint □ β) eq (shrinkDisjointˡ [a]⊆aΔ zδ#β)
z⊎β = Disjoint→DisjointUnion z#β
dB→Named (app f e) with dB→Named f | dB→Named e
... | mkNamedOf {Γ₁} δ₁ β₁ {t} d₁ | mkNamedOf {Γ₂} δ₂ β₂ {u} d₂ =
mkNamedOf δ̇ β̇ (app d₁″ d₂″ β₁″⊎β₂″)
δ₁#β₁ = disjoint-fv-bv d₁
δ₂#β₂ = disjoint-fv-bv d₂
po = ⊆-pushoutˡ δ₁ δ₂
Γ₁₂ = RawPushout.upperBound po
ϕ₁ = RawPushout.leg₁ po
ϕ₂ = RawPushout.leg₂ po
δ₁′ = ⊆-trans δ₁ ϕ₁
δ₂′ = ⊆-trans δ₂ ϕ₂
β₁′ = ⊆-trans β₁ ϕ₁
β₂′ = ⊆-trans β₂ ϕ₂
δ₁′#β₁′ : Disjoint δ₁′ β₁′
δ₁′#β₁′ = weakenDisjoint ϕ₁ δ₁#β₁
δ₂′#β₂′ : Disjoint δ₂′ β₂′
δ₂′#β₂′ = weakenDisjoint ϕ₂ δ₂#β₂
δ₁′≡δ₂′ : δ₁′ ≡ δ₂′
δ₁′≡δ₂′ = ⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo δ₁ δ₂
δ₂′#β₁′ : Disjoint δ₂′ β₁′
δ₂′#β₁′ = subst (λ □ → Disjoint □ β₁′) δ₁′≡δ₂′ δ₁′#β₁′
sep : Separation β₁′ β₂′
sep = separateˡ β₁′ β₂′
γ₁ = Separation.separator₁ sep
γ₂ = Separation.separator₂ sep
β₁″ = Separation.separated₁ sep
β₂″ = Separation.separated₂ sep
uni = Disjoint→DisjointUnion (Separation.disjoint sep)
β̇ = proj₁ (proj₂ uni)
β₁″⊎β₂″ : DisjointUnion β₁″ β₂″ β̇
β₁″⊎β₂″ = proj₂ (proj₂ uni)
ι₁ = DisjointUnion-inj₁ β₁″⊎β₂″
ι₂ = DisjointUnion-inj₂ β₁″⊎β₂″
δ₁″ = ⊆-trans δ₂′ γ₁
δ₂″ = ⊆-trans δ₂′ γ₂
δ₁″≡δ₂″ : δ₁″ ≡ δ₂″
δ₁″≡δ₂″ = equalize-separators δ₂′#β₁′ δ₂′#β₂′
δ₁″#β₁″ : Disjoint δ₁″ β₁″
δ₁″#β₁″ = weakenDisjoint γ₁ δ₂′#β₁′
δ₂″#β₂″ : Disjoint δ₂″ β₂″
δ₂″#β₂″ = weakenDisjoint γ₂ δ₂′#β₂′
δ̇ = δ₂″
δ₂″#β₁″ : Disjoint δ₂″ β₁″
δ₂″#β₁″ = subst (λ □ → Disjoint □ β₁″) δ₁″≡δ₂″ δ₁″#β₁″
δ̇#β̇ : Disjoint δ̇ β̇
δ̇#β̇ = disjoint⇒disjoint-to-union δ₂″#β₁″ δ₂″#β₂″ β₁″⊎β₂″
γ₁′ = ⊆-trans ϕ₁ γ₁
γ₂′ = ⊆-trans ϕ₂ γ₂
d₁′ : ⊆-trans δ₁ γ₁′ ⊢ f ~ ⊆-trans β₁ γ₁′ ▷ weakenBV γ₁′ t
d₁′ = weaken~ γ₁′ d₁
δ₁≤δ̇ : ⊆-trans δ₁ γ₁′ ≡ ⊆-trans δ₂′ γ₂
δ₁≤δ̇ = begin
⊆-trans δ₁ γ₁′ ≡⟨ ⊆-trans-assoc ⟩
⊆-trans δ₁′ γ₁ ≡⟨ cong (λ □ → ⊆-trans □ γ₁) δ₁′≡δ₂′ ⟩
⊆-trans δ₂′ γ₁ ≡⟨⟩
δ₁″ ≡⟨ δ₁″≡δ₂″ ⟩
δ₂″ ≡⟨⟩
δ̇ ∎
β₁≤β₁″ : ⊆-trans β₁ γ₁′ ≡ β₁″
β₁≤β₁″ = ⊆-trans-assoc
d₁″ : δ̇ ⊢ f ~ β₁″ ▷ subst (λ □ → Tm □ _) β₁≤β₁″ (weakenBV γ₁′ t)
d₁″ = subst~ δ₁≤δ̇ β₁≤β₁″ refl d₁′
d₂′ : ⊆-trans δ₂ γ₂′ ⊢ e ~ ⊆-trans β₂ γ₂′ ▷ weakenBV γ₂′ u
d₂′ = weaken~ γ₂′ d₂
β₂≤β₂″ : ⊆-trans β₂ γ₂′ ≡ β₂″
β₂≤β₂″ = ⊆-trans-assoc
δ₂≤δ̇ : ⊆-trans δ₂ γ₂′ ≡ δ̇
δ₂≤δ̇ = ⊆-trans-assoc
d₂″ : δ̇ ⊢ e ~ β₂″ ▷ subst (λ □ → Tm □ _) β₂≤β₂″ (weakenBV γ₂′ u)
d₂″ = subst~ δ₂≤δ̇ β₂≤β₂″ refl d₂′