-- The Agda standard library
-- Some basic properties of Quasigroup

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles using (Loop)

module Algebra.Properties.Loop {l₁ l₂} (L : Loop l₁ l₂) where

open Loop L
open import Algebra.Definitions _≈_
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
open import Algebra.Properties.Quasigroup

x//x≈ε :  x  x // x  ε
x//x≈ε x = begin
  x // x       ≈⟨ //-congʳ (sym (identityˡ x)) 
  (ε  x) // x ≈⟨ rightDividesʳ x ε 

x\\x≈ε :  x  x \\ x  ε
x\\x≈ε x = begin
  x \\ x       ≈⟨ \\-congˡ (sym (identityʳ x )) 
  x \\ (x  ε) ≈⟨ leftDividesʳ x ε 

ε\\x≈x :  x  ε \\ x  x
ε\\x≈x x = begin
  ε \\ x       ≈⟨ sym (identityˡ (ε \\ x)) 
  ε  (ε \\ x) ≈⟨ leftDividesˡ ε x 

x//ε≈x :  x  x // ε  x
x//ε≈x x = begin
 x // ε       ≈⟨ sym (identityʳ (x // ε)) 
 (x // ε)  ε ≈⟨ rightDividesˡ ε x 