-- The Agda standard library
-- Definitions of the lexicographic product of two operators.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra
open import Data.Bool using (true; false)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.NonDependent using (Pointwise)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; does; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction; contradiction₂)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning

module Algebra.Construct.LexProduct
  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} (M : Magma ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (N : Magma ℓ₃ ℓ₄)
  (_≟₁_ : Decidable (Magma._≈_ M))

open Magma M using (_∙_ ; ∙-cong)
  ( Carrier  to A
  ; _≈_      to _≈₁_
  ; _≉_      to _≉₁_

open Magma N using ()
  ( Carrier to B
  ; _∙_     to _◦_
  ; _≈_     to _≈₂_
  ; refl    to ≈₂-refl

import Algebra.Construct.LexProduct.Inner M N _≟₁_ as InnerLex

  infix 4 _≋_
  _≋_ : Rel (A × B) _
  _≋_ = Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_

    a b : A

-- Definition

open import Algebra.Construct.LexProduct.Base _∙_ _◦_ _≟₁_ public
  renaming (lex to _⊕_)

-- Properties
-- Basic cases

case₁ :  {a b}  (a  b) ≈₁ a  (a  b) ≉₁ b 
         x y  (a , x)  (b , y)  (a , x)
case₁ ab≈a ab≉b _ _ = ab≈a , InnerLex.case₁ ab≈a ab≉b

case₂ :  {a b}  (a  b) ≉₁ a  (a  b) ≈₁ b 
         x y  (a , x)  (b , y)  (b , y)
case₂ ab≉a ab≈b _ _ = ab≈b , InnerLex.case₂ ab≉a ab≈b

case₃ :  {a b}  (a  b) ≈₁ a  (a  b) ≈₁ b 
         x y  (a , x)  (b , y)  (a , x  y)
case₃ ab≈a ab≈b _ _ = ab≈a , InnerLex.case₃ ab≈a ab≈b

-- Algebraic properties

cong : Congruent₂ _≋_ _⊕_
cong (a≈b , w≈x) (c≈d , y≈z) =
  ∙-cong a≈b c≈d ,
  InnerLex.cong a≈b c≈d w≈x y≈z

assoc : Associative _≈₁_ _∙_  Commutative _≈₁_ _∙_ 
        Selective _≈₁_ _∙_  Associative _≈₂_ _◦_ 
        Associative _≋_ _⊕_
assoc ∙-assoc ∙-comm ∙-sel ◦-assoc (a , x) (b , y) (c , z) =
  ∙-assoc a b c ,
  InnerLex.assoc ∙-assoc ∙-comm ∙-sel ◦-assoc a b c x y z

comm : Commutative _≈₁_ _∙_  Commutative _≈₂_ _◦_ 
       Commutative _≋_ _⊕_
comm ∙-comm ◦-comm (a , x) (b , y) =
  ∙-comm a b ,
  InnerLex.comm ∙-comm ◦-comm a b x y

zeroʳ :  {e f}  RightZero _≈₁_ e _∙_  RightZero _≈₂_ f _◦_ 
        RightZero _≋_ (e , f) _⊕_
zeroʳ ze₁ ze₂ (x , a) = ze₁ x , InnerLex.zeroʳ ze₁ ze₂

identityʳ :  {e f}  RightIdentity _≈₁_ e _∙_  RightIdentity _≈₂_ f _◦_ 
            RightIdentity _≋_ (e , f) _⊕_
identityʳ id₁ id₂ (x , a) = id₁ x , InnerLex.identityʳ id₁ id₂

sel : Selective _≈₁_ _∙_  Selective _≈₂_ _◦_  Selective _≋_ _⊕_
sel ∙-sel ◦-sel (a , x) (b , y) with (a  b) ≟₁ a | (a  b) ≟₁ b
... | no  ab≉a | no  ab≉b  = contradiction₂ (∙-sel a b) ab≉a ab≉b
... | yes ab≈a | no  _     = inj₁ (ab≈a , ≈₂-refl)
... | no  _    | yes ab≈b  = inj₂ (ab≈b , ≈₂-refl)
... | yes ab≈a | yes ab≈b  with ◦-sel x y
...   | inj₁ xy≈x = inj₁ (ab≈a , xy≈x)
...   | inj₂ xy≈y = inj₂ (ab≈b , xy≈y)