-- The Agda standard library
-- Closures of a unary relation with respect to a strict partial order

open import Relation.Binary

module Relation.Unary.Closure.StrictPartialOrder
       {a r e} (P : StrictPartialOrder a e r) where

open StrictPartialOrder P renaming (_<_ to _∼_)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)

-- Specialising the results proven generically in `Base`.
import Relation.Unary.Closure.Base _∼_ as Base
open Base public using (; map; Closed)

module _ {t} {T : Pred Carrier t} where

  reindex :  {x y}  x  y   T x   T y
  reindex = Base.reindex trans

  duplicate :  {x}   T x   ( T) x
  duplicate = Base.duplicate trans

□-closed :  {t} {T : Pred Carrier t}  Closed ( T)
□-closed = Base.□-closed trans