-- The Agda standard library
-- M-types (the dual of W-types)

module Codata.M where

open import Size
open import Level
open import Codata.Thunk using (Thunk; force)
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Container.Core
import Data.Container as C

data M {s p} (C : Container s p) (i : Size) : Set (s  p) where
  inf :  C  (Thunk (M C) i)  M C i

module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} (open Container C) where

  head :  {i}  M C i  Shape
  head (inf (x , f)) = x

  tail : (x : M C )  Position (head x)  M C 
  tail (inf (x , f)) = λ p  f p .force

-- map

module _ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} {C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂}
         (m : C₁  C₂) where

  map :  {i}  M C₁ i  M C₂ i
  map (inf t) = inf ( m  (C.map  t  λ where .force  map (t .force)) t))

-- unfold

module _ {s p } {C : Container s p} (open Container C)
         {S : Set } (alg : S   C  S) where

  unfold : S   {i}  M C i
  unfold seed = let (x , next) = alg seed in
                inf (x , λ p  λ where .force  unfold (next p))

-- Legacy

open import Codata.Musical.Notation using (; ♯_)
import Codata.Musical.M as M

module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} where

  fromMusical :  {i}  M.M C  M C i
  fromMusical (M.inf t) = inf (C.map rec t) where
    rec = λ x  λ where .force  fromMusical ( x)

  toMusical : M C   M.M C
  toMusical (inf (s , f)) = M.inf (s , λ p   toMusical (f p .force))