-- The Agda standard library
-- Exiting the program.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}

module System.Exit where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; not)
open import Data.Integer.Base using (; +_)
open import Data.String.Base using (String)
open import Function.Base using (_$_; _∘′_)
open import IO using (IO; lift; _>>_; putStrLn)

-- Re-exporting the ExitCode data structure

open import System.Exit.Primitive as Prim
  using ( ExitCode
        ; ExitSuccess
        ; ExitFailure

-- Tests

isSuccess : ExitCode  Bool
isSuccess ExitSuccess     = true
isSuccess (ExitFailure _) = false

isFailure : ExitCode  Bool
isFailure  = not ∘′ isSuccess

-- Various exiting function

    a : Level
    A : Set a

exitWith : ExitCode  IO A
exitWith c = lift (Prim.exitWith c)

exitFailure : IO A
exitFailure = exitWith (ExitFailure (+ 1))

exitSuccess : IO A
exitSuccess = exitWith ExitSuccess

die : String  IO A
die str = do
  putStrLn str