------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Closures of a unary relation with respect to a binary one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel) module Relation.Unary.Closure.Base {a b} {A : Set a} (R : Rel A b) where open import Level using (_⊔_) open import Data.Product.Base using (Σ-syntax; _×_; _,_; -,_) open import Function.Base using (flip) open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Reflexive; Transitive) open import Relation.Unary using (Pred) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definitions -- Box -- We start with the definition of □ ("box") which is named after the -- box modality in modal logic. `□ T x` states that all the elements one -- step away from `x` with respect to the relation R satisfy `T`. □ : ∀ {t} → Pred A t → Pred A (a ⊔ b ⊔ t) □ T x = ∀ {y} → R x y → T y -- Use cases of □ include: -- * The definition of the accessibility predicate corresponding to R: -- data Acc (x : A) : Set (a ⊔ b) where -- step : □ Acc x → Acc x -- * The characterization of stability under weakening: picking R to be -- `Data.List.Relation.Sublist.Inductive`, `∀ {Γ} → Tm Γ → □ T Γ` -- corresponds to the fact that we have a notion of weakening for `Tm`. -- Diamond -- We then have the definition of ◇ ("diamond") which is named after the -- diamond modality in modal logic. In modal logic, `◇ T x` states that -- there exists an element one step away from x with respect to the -- relation R that satisfies T. It is worth noting that the modal logic -- metaphor breaks down here: this only is a closure operator if the -- step we take is *backwards* with respect to R. ◇ : ∀ {t} → Pred A t → Pred A (a ⊔ b ⊔ t) ◇ T x = Σ[ support ∈ A ] (R support x × T support) -- Use cases of ◇ include: -- * The characterization of strengthening: picking R to be -- `Data.List.Relation.Sublist.Inductive`, `∀ {Γ} → Tm Γ → ◇ Tm Γ` -- is the type of a function strengthening a term to its support: -- all the unused variables are discarded early on by the `related` -- proof. -- Cf. Conor McBride's "Everybody's got to be somewhere" for a more -- detailed treatment of such an example. -- Closed -- Whenever we have a value in one context, we can get one in any -- related context. record Closed {t} (T : Pred A t) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ t) where field next : ∀ {x} → T x → □ T x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Basic functions relating □ and ◇ module _ {t p} {T : Pred A t} {P : Pred A p} where curry : (∀ {x} → ◇ T x → P x) → (∀ {x} → T x → □ P x) curry f tx x∼y = f (-, x∼y , tx) uncurry : (∀ {x} → T x → □ P x) → (∀ {x} → ◇ T x → P x) uncurry f (_ , y∼x , ty) = f ty y∼x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Properties module □ {t} {T : Pred A t} where reindex : Transitive R → ∀ {x y} → R x y → □ T x → □ T y reindex trans x∼y □Tx y∼z = □Tx (trans x∼y y∼z) -- Provided that R is reflexive and Transitive, □ is a comonad map : ∀ {u} {U : Pred A u} {x} → (∀ {x} → T x → U x) → □ T x → □ U x map f □Tx x~y = f (□Tx x~y) extract : Reflexive R → ∀ {x} → □ T x → T x extract refl □Tx = □Tx refl duplicate : Transitive R → ∀ {x} → □ T x → □ (□ T) x duplicate trans □Tx x∼y y∼z = □Tx (trans x∼y y∼z) -- Provided that R is transitive, □ is a closure operator -- i.e. for any `T`, `□ T` is closed. closed : Transitive R → Closed (□ T) closed trans = record { next = duplicate trans } module ◇ {t} {T : Pred A t} where reindex : Transitive R → ∀ {x y} → R x y → ◇ T x → ◇ T y reindex trans x∼y (z , z∼x , tz) = z , trans z∼x x∼y , tz -- Provided that R is reflexive and Transitive, ◇ is a monad map : ∀ {u} {U : Pred A u} {x} → (∀ {x} → T x → U x) → ◇ T x → ◇ U x map f (y , y∼x , ty) = y , y∼x , f ty pure : Reflexive R → ∀ {x} → T x → ◇ T x pure refl tx = -, refl , tx join : Transitive R → ∀ {x} → ◇ (◇ T) x → ◇ T x join trans (_ , y∼x , _ , z∼y , tz) = _ , trans z∼y y∼x , tz -- Provided that R is transitive, ◇ is a closure operator -- i.e. for any `T`, `◇ T` is closed. closed : Transitive R → Closed (◇ T) closed trans = record { next = λ ◇Tx x∼y → reindex trans x∼y ◇Tx } run : Closed T → ∀ {x} → ◇ T x → T x run closed (_ , y∼x , ty) = Closed.next closed ty y∼x