-- The Agda standard library
-- Symmetric transitive closures of binary relations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.SymmetricTransitive where

open import Level
open import Function.Base
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel; _=[_]⇒_; _⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (PartialSetoid; Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
  using (IsPartialEquivalence; IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
  using (Transitive; Symmetric; Reflexive)

    a c  ℓ′ : Level
    A B      : Set a

module _ {A : Set a} (_≤_ : Rel A ) where

  data Plus⇔ : Rel A (a  ) where
    forth  :  {x y}  x  y  Plus⇔ x y
    back   :  {x y}  y  x  Plus⇔ x y
    forth⁺ :  {x y z}  x  y  Plus⇔ y z  Plus⇔ x z
    back⁺  :  {x y z}  y  x  Plus⇔ y z  Plus⇔ x z

  trans : Transitive Plus⇔
  trans (forth r) rel′      = forth⁺ r rel′
  trans (back r) rel′       = back⁺ r rel′
  trans (forth⁺ r rel) rel′ = forth⁺ r (trans rel rel′)
  trans (back⁺ r rel) rel′  = back⁺ r (trans rel rel′)

  sym : Symmetric Plus⇔
  sym (forth r)      = back r
  sym (back r)       = forth r
  sym (forth⁺ r rel) = trans (sym rel) (back r)
  sym (back⁺ r rel)  = trans (sym rel) (forth r)

  isPartialEquivalence : IsPartialEquivalence Plus⇔
  isPartialEquivalence = record
    { sym   = sym
    ; trans = trans

  partialSetoid : PartialSetoid _ _
  partialSetoid = record
    { Carrier              = A
    ; _≈_                  = Plus⇔
    ; isPartialEquivalence = isPartialEquivalence

  module _ (refl : Reflexive _≤_) where

    isEquivalence : IsEquivalence Plus⇔
    isEquivalence = record
      { refl  = forth refl
      ; sym   = sym
      ; trans = trans

    setoid : Setoid _ _
    setoid = record
      { Carrier       = A
      ; _≈_           = Plus⇔
      ; isEquivalence = isEquivalence

  module _ (S : Setoid c ) where
      module S = Setoid S

    minimal : (f : A  S.Carrier) 
              _≤_ =[ f ]⇒ S._≈_ 
              Plus⇔ =[ f ]⇒ S._≈_
    minimal f inj (forth r)      = inj r
    minimal f inj (back r)       = S.sym (inj r)
    minimal f inj (forth⁺ r rel) = S.trans (inj r) (minimal f inj rel)
    minimal f inj (back⁺ r rel)  = S.trans (S.sym (inj r)) (minimal f inj rel)

module Plus⇔Reasoning (_≤_ : Rel A ) where
  infix  3 forth-syntax back-syntax
  infixr 2 forth⁺-syntax back⁺-syntax

  forth-syntax :  x y  x  y  Plus⇔ _≤_ x y
  forth-syntax _ _ = forth

  syntax forth-syntax x y x≤y = x ⇒⟨ x≤y ⟩∎ y 

  back-syntax :  x y  y  x  Plus⇔ _≤_ x y
  back-syntax _ _ = back

  syntax back-syntax x y y≤x = x ⇐⟨ y≤x ⟩∎ y 

  forth⁺-syntax :  x {y z}  x  y  Plus⇔ _≤_ y z  Plus⇔ _≤_ x z
  forth⁺-syntax _ = forth⁺

  syntax forth⁺-syntax x x≤y y⇔z = x ⇒⟨ x≤y  y⇔z

  back⁺-syntax :  x {y z}  y  x  Plus⇔ _≤_ y z  Plus⇔ _≤_ x z
  back⁺-syntax _ = back⁺

  syntax back⁺-syntax x y≤x y⇔z = x ⇐⟨ y≤x  y⇔z

module _ {_≤_ : Rel A } {_≼_ : Rel B ℓ′} where

  gmap : (f : A  B) (inj : _≤_ =[ f ]⇒ _≼_)  Plus⇔ _≤_ =[ f ]⇒ Plus⇔ _≼_
  gmap f inj (forth r)      = forth (inj r)
  gmap f inj (back r)       = back (inj r)
  gmap f inj (forth⁺ r rel) = forth⁺ (inj r) (gmap f inj rel)
  gmap f inj (back⁺ r rel)  = back⁺ (inj r) (gmap f inj rel)

map : {_≤_ : Rel A } {_≼_ : Rel A ℓ′} (inj : _≤_  _≼_)  Plus⇔ _≤_  Plus⇔ _≼_
map = gmap id