-- The Agda standard library
-- An explanation about how mathematical hierarchies are laid out.

{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module README.Design.Hierarchies where

open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; suc)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)

    a b  : Level
    A : Set a

-- Introduction

-- One of the key design decisions facing the library is how to handle
-- mathematical hierarchies, e.g.
--   ∙ Binary relations: preorder → partial order → total order
--                                ↘ equivalence
--   ∙ Algebraic structures: magma → semigroup → monoid → group
--                                 ↘ band → semilattice
-- Some of the hierarchies in the library are:
--   ∙ Algebra
--   ∙ Function
--   ∙ Relation.Binary
--   ∙ Relation.Binary.Indexed
-- A given hierarchy `X` is always split into 4 seperate folders:
--   ∙ X.Core
--   ∙ X.Definitions
--   ∙ X.Structures
--   ∙ X.Bundles
-- all four of which are publicly re-exported by `X` itself.
-- Additionally a hierarchy `X` may contain additional files
--   ∙ X.Bundles.Raw
--   ∙ X.Consequences
--   ∙ X.Constructs
--   ∙ X.Properties
--   ∙ X.Morphisms
-- Descriptions of these modules are now described below using the
-- running example of the `Relation.Binary` and `Algebra` hierarchies.

-- Note that we redefine everything here for illustrative purposes,
-- and that the definitions given below may be slightly simpler
-- than the real definitions in order to focus on the points being
-- discussed.

-- Main hierarchy modules

-- X.Core

-- The Core module contains the basic units of the hierarchy.

-- For example for binary relations these are homoegeneous and
-- heterogeneous binary relations:

REL : Set a  Set b  ( : Level)  Set (a  b  suc )
REL A B  = A  B  Set 

Rel : Set a  ( : Level)  Set (a  suc )
Rel A  = A  A  Set 

-- and in Algebra these are unary and binary operators, e.g.

Op₁ : Set a  Set a
Op₁ A = A  A

Op₂ : Set a  Set a
Op₂ A = A  A  A

-- X.Definitions

-- The Definitions module defines the various properties that the
-- basic units of the hierarchy may have.

-- For example in Relation.Binary this includes reflexivity,
-- transitivity etc.

Reflexive : Rel A   Set _
Reflexive _∼_ =  {x}  x  x

Symmetric : Rel A   Set _
Symmetric _∼_ =  {x y}  x  y  y  x

Transitive : Rel A   Set _
Transitive _∼_ =  {x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z

Total : Rel A   Set _
Total _∼_ =  x y  x  y  y  x

-- For example in Algebra these are associativity, commutativity.
-- Note that all definitions for Algebra are based on some notion of
-- underlying equality.

Associative : Rel A   Op₂ A  Set _
Associative _≈_ _∙_ =  x y z  ((x  y)  z)  (x  (y  z))

Commutative : Rel A   Op₂ A  Set _
Commutative _≈_ _∙_ =  x y  (x  y)  (y  x)

LeftIdentity : Rel A   A  Op₂ A  Set _
LeftIdentity _≈_ e _∙_ =  x  (e  x)  x

RightIdentity : Rel A   A  Op₂ A  Set _
RightIdentity _≈_ e _∙_ =  x  (x  e)  x

-- Note that the types in `Definitions` modules are not meant to express
-- the full concept on their own. For example the `Associative` type does
-- not require the underlying relation to be an equivalence relation.
-- Instead they are designed to aid the modular reuse of the core
-- concepts. The complete concepts are captured in various
-- structures/bundles where the definitions are correctly used in
-- context.

-- X.Structures

-- When an abstract hierarchy of some sort (for instance semigroup →
-- monoid → group) is included in the library the basic approach is to
-- specify the properties of every concept in terms of a record
-- containing just properties, parameterised on the underlying
-- sets, relations and operations. For example:

record IsEquivalence {A : Set a}
                     (_≈_ : Rel A )
                     : Set (a  )
    refl  : Reflexive _≈_
    sym   : Symmetric _≈_
    trans : Transitive _≈_

-- More specific concepts are then specified in terms of the simpler
-- ones:

record IsMagma {A : Set a} ( : Rel A ) ( : Op₂ A) : Set (a  ) where
    isEquivalence : IsEquivalence 
    ∙-cong        :  Preserves₂     

record IsSemigroup {A : Set a} ( : Rel A ) ( : Op₂ A) : Set (a  ) where
    isMagma      : IsMagma  
    associative  : Associative  

  open IsMagma isMagma public

-- Note here that `open IsMagma isMagma public` ensures that the
-- fields of the `isMagma` record can be accessed directly; this
-- technique enables the user of an `IsSemigroup` record to use underlying
-- records without having to manually open an entire record hierarchy.
-- This is not always possible, though. Consider the following definition
-- of preorders:

record IsPreorder {A : Set a}
                  (_≈_ : Rel A ) -- The underlying equality.
                  (_∼_ : Rel A ) -- The relation.
                  : Set (a  ) where
    isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
    refl          : Reflexive _∼_
    trans         : Transitive _∼_

  module Eq = IsEquivalence isEquivalence

-- The IsEquivalence field in IsPreorder is not opened publicly because
-- the `refl` and `trans` fields would clash with those in the
-- `IsPreorder` record. Instead we provide an internal module and the
-- equality fields can be accessed via `Eq.refl` and `Eq.trans`.

-- X.Bundles

-- Although structures are useful for describing the properties of a
-- given set of operations/relations, sometimes you don't require the
-- properties to hold for a given set of objects but only that such a
-- set of objects exists. In this case bundles are what you're after.

-- Each structure has a corresponding bundle that include the structure
-- along with the corresponding sets, relations and operations as
-- fields.

record Setoid c  : Set (suc (c  )) where
    Carrier       : Set c
    _≈_           : Rel Carrier 
    isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_

  open IsEquivalence isEquivalence public

-- The contents of the structure is always re-exported publicly,
-- providing access to its fields.

record Magma c  : Set (suc (c  )) where
  infixl 7 _∙_
  infix  4 _≈_
    Carrier : Set c
    _≈_     : Rel Carrier 
    _∙_     : Op₂ Carrier
    isMagma : IsMagma _≈_ _∙_

  open IsMagma isMagma public

record Semigroup : Set (suc (a  )) where
  infixl 7 _∙_
  infix  4 _≈_
    Carrier     : Set a
    _≈_         : Rel Carrier 
    _∙_         : Op₂ Carrier
    isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _≈_ _∙_

  open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public

  magma : Magma a 
  magma = record { isMagma = isMagma }

-- Note that the Semigroup record does not include a Magma field.
-- Instead the Semigroup record includes a "repackaging function"
-- semigroup which converts a Magma to a Semigroup.

-- The above setup may seem a bit complicated, but it has been arrived
-- at after a lot of thought and is designed to both make the hierarchies
-- easy to work with whilst also providing enough flexibility for the
-- different applications of their concepts.

-- NOTE: bundles for the function hierarchy are designed a little
-- differently, as a function with an unknown domain an codomain is
-- of little use.

-- Bundle re-exporting --

-- In general ensuring that bundles re-export everything in their
-- sub-bundles can get a little tricky.

-- Imagine we have the following general scenario where bundle A is a
-- direct refinement of bundle C (i.e. the record `IsA` has a `IsC` field)
-- but is also morally a refinement of bundles B and D.

--   Structures               Bundles
--   ==========               =======
--       IsA                     A
--    /  ||   \               /  ||  \
-- IsB   IsC   IsD          B    C    D

-- The procedure for re-exports in the bundles is as follows:

-- 1. `open IsA isA public using (IsC, M)` where `M` is everything
--    exported by `IsA` that is not exported by `IsC`.

-- 2. Construct `c : C` via the `isC` obtained in step 1.

-- 3. `open C c public hiding (N)` where `N` is the list of fields
--    shared by both `A` and `C`.

-- 4. Construct `b : B` via the `isB` obtained in step 1.

-- 5. `open B b public using (O)` where `O` is everything exported
--    by `B` but not exported by `IsA`.

-- 6. Construct `d : D` via the `isC` obtained in step 1.

-- 7. `open D d public using (P)` where `P` is everything exported
--    by `D` but not exported by `IsA`

-- Other hierarchy modules

-- X.Bundles.Raw

-- Sometimes it is useful to have the bundles without any accompanying
-- laws. These correspond more or less to what the definitions would
-- be in non-dependently typed languages like Haskell.

-- Each bundle thereofre has a corresponding raw bundle that only
-- include the laws but not the operations.

record RawMagma c  : Set (suc (c  )) where
  infixl 7 _∙_
  infix  4 _≈_
    Carrier : Set c
    _≈_     : Rel Carrier 
    _∙_     : Op₂ Carrier

record RawMonoid c  : Set (suc (c  )) where
  infixl 7 _∙_
  infix  4 _≈_
    Carrier : Set c
    _≈_     : Rel Carrier 
    _∙_     : Op₂ Carrier
    ε       : Carrier

-- X.Consequences

-- The "consequences" modules contains proofs for how the different
-- types in the `Definitions` module relate to each other. For example:
-- that any total relation is reflexive or that commutativity allows
-- one to translate between left and right identities.

total⇒refl :  {_∼_ : Rel A }  Total _∼_  Reflexive _∼_
total⇒refl = {!!}

idˡ+comm⇒idʳ :  {_≈_ : Rel A } {e _∙_}  Commutative _≈_ _∙_ 
               LeftIdentity _≈_ e _∙_   RightIdentity _≈_ e _∙_
idˡ+comm⇒idʳ = {!!}

-- X.Construct

-- The "construct" folder contains various generic ways of constructing
-- new instances of the hierarchy. For example

import Relation.Binary.Construct.Intersection

-- takes in two relations and forms the new relation that says two
-- elements are only related if they are related via both of the
-- original relations.

-- These files are layed out in four parts, mimicking the main modules
-- of the hierarchy itself. First they define the new relation, then
-- subsequently how the definitions, then structures and finally
-- bundles can be translated across to it.

-- X.Morphisms

-- The `Morphisms` folder is a sub-hierarchy containing relationships
-- such homomorphisms, monomorphisms and isomorphisms between the
-- structures and bundles in the hierarchy.

-- X.Properties

-- The `Properties` folder contains additional proofs about the theory
-- of each bundle. They are usually designed so as a bundle's
-- `Properties` file re-exports the contents of the `Properties` files
-- above it in the hierarchy. For example
-- `Algebra.Properties.AbelianGroup` re-exports the contents of
-- `Algebra.Properties.Group`.