-- The Agda standard library
-- Some examples of how to use non-trivial induction over the natural
-- numbers.

module README.Data.Nat.Induction where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality


  n<′1+n :  {n}  n <′ suc n
  n<′1+n = ≤′-refl

  n<′2+n :  {n}  n <′ suc (suc n)
  n<′2+n = ≤′-step ≤′-refl

-- Doubles its input.

twice :   
twice = rec _ λ
  { zero    _        zero
  ; (suc n) twice-n  suc (suc twice-n)

-- Halves its input (rounding downwards).
-- The step function is mentioned in a proof below, so it has been
-- given a name. (The mutual keyword is used to avoid having to give
-- a type signature for the step function.)


  half₁-step = λ
    { zero          _                 zero
    ; (suc zero)    _                 zero
    ; (suc (suc n)) (_ , half₁n , _)  suc half₁n

  half₁ :   
  half₁ = cRec _ half₁-step

-- An alternative implementation of half₁.


  half₂-step = λ
    { zero          _    zero
    ; (suc zero)    _    zero
    ; (suc (suc n)) rec  suc (rec n<′2+n)

  half₂ :   
  half₂ = <′-rec _ half₂-step

-- The application half₁ (2 + n) is definitionally equal to
-- 1 + half₁ n. Perhaps it is instructive to see why.

half₁-2+ :  n  half₁ (2 + n)  1 + half₁ n
half₁-2+ n = begin

  half₁ (2 + n)                                                         ≡⟨⟩

  cRec _ half₁-step (2 + n)                                             ≡⟨⟩

  half₁-step (2 + n) (cRecBuilder _ half₁-step (2 + n))                 ≡⟨⟩

  half₁-step (2 + n)
    (let ih = cRecBuilder _ half₁-step (1 + n) in
     half₁-step (1 + n) ih , ih)                                        ≡⟨⟩

  half₁-step (2 + n)
    (let ih = cRecBuilder _ half₁-step n in
     half₁-step (1 + n) (half₁-step n ih , ih) , half₁-step n ih , ih)  ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₁-step n (cRecBuilder _ half₁-step n)                         ≡⟨⟩

  1 + cRec _ half₁-step n                                               ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₁ n                                                           

  where open ≡-Reasoning

-- The application half₂ (2 + n) is definitionally equal to
-- 1 + half₂ n. Perhaps it is instructive to see why.

half₂-2+ :  n  half₂ (2 + n)  1 + half₂ n
half₂-2+ n = begin

  half₂ (2 + n)                                               ≡⟨⟩

  <′-rec _ half₂-step (2 + n)                                 ≡⟨⟩

  half₂-step (2 + n) (<′-recBuilder _ half₂-step (2 + n))     ≡⟨⟩

  1 + <′-recBuilder _ half₂-step (2 + n) n<′2+n  ≡⟨⟩

  1 + Some.wfRecBuilder _ half₂-step (2 + n)
        (<′-wellFounded (2 + n)) n<′2+n          ≡⟨⟩

  1 + Some.wfRecBuilder _ half₂-step (2 + n)
        (acc (<′-wellFounded′ (2 + n))) n<′2+n   ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₂-step n
        (Some.wfRecBuilder _ half₂-step n
           (<′-wellFounded′ (2 + n) n<′2+n))     ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₂-step n
        (Some.wfRecBuilder _ half₂-step n
           (<′-wellFounded′ (1 + n) n<′1+n))               ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₂-step n
        (Some.wfRecBuilder _ half₂-step n (<′-wellFounded n)) ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₂-step n (<′-recBuilder _ half₂-step n)             ≡⟨⟩

  1 + <′-rec _ half₂-step n                                   ≡⟨⟩

  1 + half₂ n                                                 

  where open ≡-Reasoning

-- Some properties that the functions above satisfy, proved using
-- cRec.

half₁-+₁ :  n  half₁ (twice n)  n
half₁-+₁ = cRec _ λ
  { zero          _                         refl
  ; (suc zero)    _                         refl
  ; (suc (suc n)) (_ , half₁twice-n≡n , _) 
      cong (suc  suc) half₁twice-n≡n

half₂-+₁ :  n  half₂ (twice n)  n
half₂-+₁ = cRec _ λ
  { zero          _                         refl
  ; (suc zero)    _                         refl
  ; (suc (suc n)) (_ , half₁twice-n≡n , _) 
      cong (suc  suc) half₁twice-n≡n

-- Some properties that the functions above satisfy, proved using
-- <′-rec.

half₁-+₂ :  n  half₁ (twice n)  n
half₁-+₂ = <′-rec _ λ
  { zero          _    refl
  ; (suc zero)    _    refl
  ; (suc (suc n)) rec 
      cong (suc  suc) (rec n<′2+n)

half₂-+₂ :  n  half₂ (twice n)  n
half₂-+₂ = <′-rec _ λ
  { zero          _    refl
  ; (suc zero)    _    refl
  ; (suc (suc n)) rec 
      cong (suc  suc) (rec n<′2+n)