-- The Agda standard library
-- IO handles: simple bindings to Haskell types and functions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}

module IO.Handle where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic.Base using ()
open import IO.Base using (IO; lift; lift′)

private variable a : Level

-- Re-exporting types and constructors

open import IO.Primitive.Handle as Prim public
  using ( BufferMode
        ; noBuffering
        ; lineBuffering
        ; blockBuffering
        ; Handle
        ; stdin
        ; stdout
        ; stderr

-- Wrapping functions

hSetBuffering : Handle  BufferMode  IO {a} 
hSetBuffering hdl bm = lift′ (Prim.hSetBuffering hdl bm)

hGetBuffering : Handle  IO BufferMode
hGetBuffering hdl = lift (Prim.hGetBuffering hdl)

hFlush : Handle  IO {a} 
hFlush hdl = lift′ (Prim.hFlush hdl)