-- The Agda standard library
-- Basic definition and functions on the state monad transformer

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Monad.State.Transformer.Base where

open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic.Base using ()
open import Effect.Functor using (RawFunctor)
open import Function.Base using (_∘′_; const; id)
open import Level using (Level; suc; _⊔_)

    f s : Level
    A : Set s
    S : Set s
    M : Set s  Set f

-- State monad operations

record RawMonadState
       (S : Set s)
       (M : Set s  Set f)
       : Set (suc s  f) where
    gets   : (S  A)  M A
    modify : (S  S)  M 

  put = modify ∘′ const
  get = gets id

-- State monad transformer

record StateT
       (S : Set s)
       (M : Set s  Set f)
       (A : Set s)
       : Set (s  f) where
  constructor mkStateT
  field runStateT : S  M (S × A)
open StateT public

evalStateT : RawFunctor M  StateT S M A  S  M A
evalStateT M ma s = let open RawFunctor M in proj₂ <$> runStateT ma s

execStateT : RawFunctor M  StateT S M A  S  M S
execStateT M ma s = let open RawFunctor M in proj₁ <$> runStateT ma s