-- The Agda standard library
-- Comonads

-- Note that currently the monad laws are not included here.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Comonad where

open import Level using (Level; suc)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘′_; flip)

    a b c f : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c

record RawComonad (W : Set f  Set f) : Set (suc f) where

  infixl 1 _=>>_ _=>=_
  infixr 1 _<<=_ _=<=_

    extract : W A  A
    extend  : (W A  B)  (W A  W B)

  duplicate : W A  W (W A)
  duplicate = extend id

  liftW : (A  B)  W A  W B
  liftW f = extend (f ∘′ extract)

  _=>>_ : W A  (W A  B)  W B
  _=>>_ = flip extend

  _=>=_ : (W A  B)  (W B  C)  W A  C
  f =>= g = g ∘′ extend f

  _<<=_ : (W A  B)  W A  W B
  _<<=_ = extend

  _=<=_ : (W B  C)  (W A  B)  W A  C
  _=<=_ = flip _=>=_