-- The Agda standard library
-- Applicative functors on indexed sets (predicates)

-- Note that currently the applicative functor laws are not included
-- here.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Applicative.Predicate where

open import Effect.Functor.Predicate
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (const; constᵣ)
open import Level using (Level; suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (_⊆_; _⇒_; _∩_)
open import Relation.Unary.PredicateTransformer using (Pt)

    i  : Level


record RawPApplicative {I : Set i} (F : Pt I ) :
                       Set (i  suc ) where
  infixl 4 _⊛_ _<⊛_ _⊛>_
  infix  4 _⊗_

    pure :  {P}  P  F P
    _⊛_  :  {P Q}  F (P  Q)  F P  F Q

  rawPFunctor : RawPFunctor F
  rawPFunctor = record
    { _<$>_ = λ g x  pure g  x

    open module RF = RawPFunctor rawPFunctor public

  _<⊛_ :  {P Q}  F P  const (∀ {j}  F Q j)  F P
  x <⊛ y = const <$> x  y

  _⊛>_ :  {P Q}  const (∀ {i}  F P i)  F Q  F Q
  x ⊛> y = constᵣ <$> x  y

  _⊗_ :  {P Q}  F P  F Q  F (P  Q)
  x  y = (_,_) <$> x  y

  zipWith :  {P Q R}  (P  Q  R)  F P  F Q  F R
  zipWith f x y = f <$> x  y