-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties related to Pointwise

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Properties where

open import Data.Fin.Base using (zero; suc; _↑ˡ_; _↑ʳ_; splitAt)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (all?; splitAt-↑ˡ; splitAt-↑ʳ)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.NonDependent
  using () renaming (Pointwise to ×-Pointwise)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Data.Vec.Functional as VF hiding (map)
open import Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Pointwise
open import Function.Base using (const; _∘_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel; REL)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid; DecSetoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
  using (IsEquivalence; IsDecEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
  using (Reflexive; Transitive; Symmetric; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_)

    a a′ a″ b b′ b″ r s t  : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    A′ : Set a′
    B′ : Set b′
    A″ : Set a″
    B″ : Set b″

-- Relational properties

module _ {R : Rel A } where

  refl : Reflexive R   {n}  Reflexive (Pointwise R {n})
  refl r i = r

  sym : Symmetric R   {n}  Symmetric (Pointwise R {n})
  sym s xsys i = s (xsys i)

  trans : Transitive R   {n}  Transitive (Pointwise R {n})
  trans t xsys yszs i = t (xsys i) (yszs i)

  decidable : Decidable R   {n}  Decidable (Pointwise R {n})
  decidable r? xs ys = all? λ i  r? (xs i) (ys i)

-- Structures

  isEquivalence : IsEquivalence R   n  IsEquivalence (Pointwise R {n})
  isEquivalence isEq n = record
    { refl  = refl  Eq.refl
    ; sym   = sym   Eq.sym
    ; trans = trans Eq.trans
    } where module Eq = IsEquivalence isEq

  isDecEquivalence : IsDecEquivalence R 
                      n  IsDecEquivalence (Pointwise R {n})
  isDecEquivalence isDecEq n = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence Eq.isEquivalence n
    ; _≟_           = decidable Eq._≟_
    } where module Eq = IsDecEquivalence isDecEq

-- Bundles

setoid : Setoid a     Setoid a 
setoid S n = record
  { isEquivalence = isEquivalence S.isEquivalence n
  } where module S = Setoid S

decSetoid : DecSetoid a     DecSetoid a 
decSetoid S n = record
  { isDecEquivalence = isDecEquivalence S.isDecEquivalence n
  } where module S = DecSetoid S

-- map

module _ {R : REL A B r} {S : REL A′ B′ s} {f : A  A′} {g : B  B′} where

  map⁺ : (∀ {x y}  R x y  S (f x) (g y)) 
          {n} {xs : Vector A n} {ys : Vector B n} 
         Pointwise R xs ys  Pointwise S (VF.map f xs) (VF.map g ys)
  map⁺ f rs i = f (rs i)

-- head

module _ (R : REL A B r) {n} {xs : Vector A (suc n)} {ys} where

  head⁺ : Pointwise R xs ys  R (head xs) (head ys)
  head⁺ rs = rs zero

-- tail

module _ (R : REL A B r) {n} {xs : Vector A (suc n)} {ys} where

  tail⁺ : Pointwise R xs ys  Pointwise R (tail xs) (tail ys)
  tail⁺ rs = rs  suc

-- _++_

module _ (R : REL A B r) where

  ++⁺ :  {m n xs ys xs′ ys′} 
        Pointwise R {n = m} xs ys  Pointwise R {n = n} xs′ ys′ 
        Pointwise R (xs ++ xs′) (ys ++ ys′)
  ++⁺ {m} rs rs′ i with splitAt m i
  ... | inj₁ i′ = rs i′
  ... | inj₂ j′ = rs′ j′

  ++⁻ˡ :  {m n} (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector B m) {xs′ ys′} 
         Pointwise R (xs ++ xs′) (ys ++ ys′)  Pointwise R xs ys
  ++⁻ˡ {m} {n} _ _ rs i with rs (i ↑ˡ n)
  ... | r rewrite splitAt-↑ˡ m i n = r

  ++⁻ʳ :  {m n} (xs : Vector A m) (ys : Vector B m) {xs′ ys′} 
         Pointwise R (xs ++ xs′) (ys ++ ys′)  Pointwise R xs′ ys′
  ++⁻ʳ {m} {n} _ _ rs i with rs (m ↑ʳ i)
  ... | r rewrite splitAt-↑ʳ m n i = r

  ++⁻ :  {m n} xs ys {xs′ ys′} 
        Pointwise R (xs ++ xs′) (ys ++ ys′) 
        Pointwise R {n = m} xs ys × Pointwise R {n = n} xs′ ys′
  ++⁻ _ _ rs = ++⁻ˡ _ _ rs , ++⁻ʳ _ _ rs

-- replicate

module _ {R : REL A B r} {x y n} where

  replicate⁺ : R x y  Pointwise R {n = n} (replicate n x) (replicate n y)
  replicate⁺ = const

-- _⊛_

module _ {R : REL A B r} {S : REL A′ B′ s} {n} where

  ⊛⁺ :  {fs : Vector (A  A′) n} {gs : Vector (B  B′) n} 
       Pointwise  f g   {x y}  R x y  S (f x) (g y)) fs gs 
        {xs ys}  Pointwise R xs ys  Pointwise S (fs  xs) (gs  ys)
  ⊛⁺ rss rs i = (rss i) (rs i)

-- zipWith

module _ {R : REL A B r} {S : REL A′ B′ s} {T : REL A″ B″ t} where

  zipWith⁺ :  {n xs ys xs′ ys′ f f′} 
             (∀ {x y x′ y′}  R x y  S x′ y′  T (f x x′) (f′ y y′)) 
             Pointwise R xs ys  Pointwise S xs′ ys′ 
             Pointwise T (zipWith f xs xs′) (zipWith f′ {n = n} ys ys′)
  zipWith⁺ t rs ss i = t (rs i) (ss i)

-- zip

module _ {R : REL A B r} {S : REL A′ B′ s} {n xs ys xs′ ys′} where

  zip⁺ : Pointwise R xs ys  Pointwise S xs′ ys′ 
         Pointwise (×-Pointwise R S) (zip xs xs′) (zip {n = n} ys ys′)
  zip⁺ rs ss i = rs i , ss i

  zip⁻ : Pointwise (×-Pointwise R S) (zip xs xs′) (zip {n = n} ys ys′) 
         Pointwise R xs ys × Pointwise S xs′ ys′
  zip⁻ rss = proj₁  rss , proj₂  rss

-- foldr

module _ {R : REL A B r} {S : REL A′ B′ s}
         {f : A  A′  A′} {g : B  B′  B′}

  foldr-cong : (∀ {w x y z}  R w x  S y z  S (f w y) (g x z)) 
                {d : A′} {e : B′}  S d e 
                {n} {xs : Vector A n} {ys : Vector B n} 
               Pointwise R xs ys  S (foldr f d xs) (foldr g e ys)
  foldr-cong fg-cong d~e {zero}  rss = d~e
  foldr-cong fg-cong d~e {suc n} rss =
    fg-cong (rss zero) (foldr-cong fg-cong d~e (rss  suc))