-- The Agda standard library
-- A different interface to the Kleene lists, designed to mimic
-- Data.List.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Kleene.AsList where

open import Level as Level using (Level)

    a b c : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c

import Data.List.Kleene.Base as Kleene using ([])

-- Here we import half of the functions from Data.KleeneList: the half
-- for possibly-empty lists.

open import Data.List.Kleene.Base public
  using ([])
    ( _*                 to List
    ; foldr*             to foldr
    ; foldl*             to foldl
    ; _++*_              to _++_
    ; map*               to map
    ; mapMaybe*          to mapMaybe
    ; pure*              to pure
    ; _<*>*_             to _<*>_
    ; _>>=*_             to _>>=_
    ; mapAccumˡ*         to mapAccumˡ
    ; mapAccumʳ*         to mapAccumʳ
    ; _[_]*              to _[_]
    ; applyUpTo*         to applyUpTo
    ; upTo*              to upTo
    ; zipWith*           to zipWith
    ; unzipWith*         to unzipWith
    ; partitionSumsWith* to partitionSumsWith
    ; reverse*           to reverse

-- A pattern which mimics Data.List._∷_

infixr 5 _∷_
pattern _∷_ x xs = Kleene.∹ x Kleene.& xs

-- The following functions change the type of the list (from ⁺ to * or
-- vice versa) in Data.KleeneList, so we reimplement them here to keep
-- the type the same.

scanr : (A  B  B)  B  List A  List B
scanr f b xs = Kleene.∹ Kleene.scanr* f b xs

scanl : (B  A  B)  B  List A  List B
scanl f b xs = Kleene.∹ Kleene.scanl* f b xs

tails : List A  List (List A)
tails xs = foldr  x xs  (Kleene.∹ x)  xs) ([]  []) (Kleene.tails* xs)