{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.List.Kleene.AsList where
open import Level as Level using (Level)
a b c : Level
A : Set a
B : Set b
C : Set c
import Data.List.Kleene.Base as Kleene using ([])
open import Data.List.Kleene.Base public
using ([])
( _* to List
; foldr* to foldr
; foldl* to foldl
; _++*_ to _++_
; map* to map
; mapMaybe* to mapMaybe
; pure* to pure
; _<*>*_ to _<*>_
; _>>=*_ to _>>=_
; mapAccumˡ* to mapAccumˡ
; mapAccumʳ* to mapAccumʳ
; _[_]* to _[_]
; applyUpTo* to applyUpTo
; upTo* to upTo
; zipWith* to zipWith
; unzipWith* to unzipWith
; partitionSumsWith* to partitionSumsWith
; reverse* to reverse
infixr 5 _∷_
pattern _∷_ x xs = Kleene.∹ x Kleene.& xs
scanr : (A → B → B) → B → List A → List B
scanr f b xs = Kleene.∹ Kleene.scanr* f b xs
scanl : (B → A → B) → B → List A → List B
scanl f b xs = Kleene.∹ Kleene.scanl* f b xs
tails : List A → List (List A)
tails xs = foldr (λ x xs → (Kleene.∹ x) ∷ xs) ([] ∷ []) (Kleene.tails* xs)