-- The Agda standard library
-- The free monad construction on indexed containers

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Container.Indexed.FreeMonad where

open import Level
open import Function.Base hiding (const)
open import Effect.Monad.Predicate
open import Data.Container.Indexed
open import Data.Container.Indexed.Combinator hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Data.W.Indexed
open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Unary.PredicateTransformer
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (refl)


infixl 9 _⋆C_
infix  9 _⋆_

_⋆C_ :  {i o c r} {I : Set i} {O : Set o} 
       Container I O c r  Pred O c  Container I O _ _
C ⋆C X = const X ⊎′ C

_⋆_ :  {} {O : Set }  Container O O    Pt O 
C  X = μ (C ⋆C X)

pattern returnP x = (inj₁ x , _)
pattern doP c k   = (inj₂ c , k)

inn :  {} {O : Set } {C : Container O O  } {X} 
       C  (C  X)  C  X
inn (c , k) = sup (doP c k)

rawPMonad :  {} {O : Set } {C : Container O O  } 
            RawPMonad { = } (_⋆_ C)
rawPMonad {C = C} = record
  { return? = return
  ; _=<?_  = _=<<_
  return :  {X}  X  C  X
  return x = sup (inj₁ x , ⊥-elim  lower)

  _=<<_ :  {X Y}  X  C  Y  C  X  C  Y
  f =<< sup (returnP x) = f x
  f =<< sup (doP c k)   = inn (c , λ r  f =<< k r)

leaf :  {} {O : Set } {C : Container O O  } {X : Pred O } 
        C  X  C  X
leaf (c , k) = inn (c , return?  k)
  open RawPMonad rawPMonad

generic :  {} {O : Set } {C : Container O O  } {o}
          (c : Command C o) 
          o  C  (⋃[ r  Response C c ]  next C c r )
generic c = inn (c , λ r  return? (r , refl))
  open RawPMonad rawPMonad