-- The Agda standard library
-- Coinductive vectors

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}

module Codata.Musical.Covec where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation using (; ; ♯_)
open import Codata.Musical.Conat as Coℕ using (Coℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Codata.Musical.Cofin using (Cofin; zero; suc)
open import Codata.Musical.Colist as Colist using (Colist; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (_∋_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_; _=[_]⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid; Poset)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
  using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive; Antisymmetric)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as  using (_≡_)

    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- The type

infixr 5 _∷_
data Covec (A : Set a) : Coℕ  Set a where
  []  : Covec A zero
  _∷_ :  {n} (x : A) (xs :  (Covec A ( n)))  Covec A (suc n)

∷-injectiveˡ :  {a b} {n} {as bs}  (Covec A (suc n)  a  as)  b  bs  a  b
∷-injectiveˡ ≡.refl = ≡.refl

∷-injectiveʳ :  {a b} {n} {as bs}  (Covec A (suc n)  a  as)  b  bs  as  bs
∷-injectiveʳ ≡.refl = ≡.refl

-- Some operations

map :  {n}  (A  B)  Covec A n  Covec B n
map f []       = []
map f (x  xs) = f x   map f ( xs)

fromVec :  {n}  Vec A n  Covec A (Coℕ.fromℕ n)
fromVec []       = []
fromVec (x  xs) = x   fromVec xs

fromColist : (xs : Colist A)  Covec A (Colist.length xs)
fromColist []       = []
fromColist (x  xs) = x   fromColist ( xs)

take :  m {n}  Covec A (m + n)  Covec A m
take zero    xs       = []
take (suc n) (x  xs) = x   take ( n) ( xs)

drop :  m {n}  Covec A (Coℕ.fromℕ m + n)  Covec A n
drop zero    xs       = xs
drop (suc n) (x  xs) = drop n ( xs)

replicate :  n  A  Covec A n
replicate zero    x = []
replicate (suc n) x = x   replicate ( n) x

lookup :  {n}  Covec A n  Cofin n  A
lookup (x  xs) zero    = x
lookup (x  xs) (suc n) = lookup ( xs) n

infixr 5 _++_

_++_ :  {m n}  Covec A m  Covec A n  Covec A (m + n)
[]       ++ ys = ys
(x  xs) ++ ys = x   ( xs ++ ys)

[_] : A  Covec A (suc ( zero))
[ x ] = x   []

-- Equality and other relations

-- xs ≈ ys means that xs and ys are equal.

infix 4 _≈_

data _≈_ {A : Set a} :  {n} (xs ys : Covec A n)  Set a where
  []  : []  []
  _∷_ :  {n} x {xs ys}
        (xs≈ :  ( xs   ys))  _≈_ {n = suc n} (x  xs) (x  ys)

-- x ∈ xs means that x is a member of xs.

infix 4 _∈_

data _∈_ {A : Set a} :  {n}  A  Covec A n  Set a where
  here  :  {n x  } {xs}                    _∈_ {n = suc n} x (x  xs)
  there :  {n x y} {xs} (x∈xs : x   xs)  _∈_ {n = suc n} x (y  xs)

-- xs ⊑ ys means that xs is a prefix of ys.

infix 4 _⊑_

data _⊑_ {A : Set a} :  {m n}  Covec A m  Covec A n  Set a where
  []  :  {n} {ys : Covec A n}  []  ys
  _∷_ :  {m n} x {xs ys} (p :  ( xs   ys)) 
        _⊑_ {m = suc m} {suc n} (x  xs) (x  ys)

-- Some proofs

setoid :  {a}  Set a  Coℕ  Setoid _ _
setoid A n = record
  { Carrier       = Covec A n
  ; _≈_           = _≈_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = refl
    ; sym   = sym
    ; trans = trans
  refl :  {n}  Reflexive (_≈_ {n = n})
  refl {x = []}     = []
  refl {x = x  xs} = x   refl

  sym :  {n}  Symmetric (_≈_ {A = A} {n})
  sym []        = []
  sym (x  xs≈) = x   sym ( xs≈)

  trans :  {n}  Transitive (_≈_ {A = A} {n})
  trans []        []         = []
  trans (x  xs≈) (.x  ys≈) = x   trans ( xs≈) ( ys≈)

poset :  {a}  Set a  Coℕ  Poset _ _ _
poset A n = record
  { Carrier        = Covec A n
  ; _≈_            = _≈_
  ; _≤_            = _⊑_
  ; isPartialOrder = record
    { isPreorder = record
      { isEquivalence = Setoid.isEquivalence (setoid A n)
      ; reflexive     = reflexive
      ; trans         = trans
    ; antisym  = antisym
  reflexive :  {n}  _≈_ {n = n}  _⊑_
  reflexive []        = []
  reflexive (x  xs≈) = x   reflexive ( xs≈)

  trans :  {n}  Transitive (_⊑_ {n = n})
  trans []        _          = []
  trans (x  xs≈) (.x  ys≈) = x   trans ( xs≈) ( ys≈)

  tail :  {n x y xs ys} 
         _∷_ {n = n} x xs  _∷_ {n = n} y ys   xs   ys
  tail (_  p) =  p

  antisym :  {n}  Antisymmetric (_≈_ {n = n}) _⊑_
  antisym []       [] = []
  antisym (x  p₁) p₂ = x   antisym ( p₁) (tail p₂)

map-cong :  {n} (f : A  B)  _≈_ {n = n} =[ map f ]⇒ _≈_
map-cong f []        = []
map-cong f (x  xs≈) = f x   map-cong f ( xs≈)

take-⊑ :  m {n} (xs : Covec A (m + n))  take m xs  xs
take-⊑ zero    xs       = []
take-⊑ (suc n) (x  xs) = x   take-⊑ ( n) ( xs)