-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of divisibility over semigroups

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra using (Semigroup)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Transitive)

module Algebra.Properties.Semigroup.Divisibility
  {a } (S : Semigroup a ) where

open Semigroup S

-- Re-export magma divisibility

open import Algebra.Properties.Magma.Divisibility magma public

-- Properties of _∣_

∣-trans : Transitive _∣_
∣-trans (p , px≈y) (q , qy≈z) =
  q  p , trans (assoc q p _) (trans (∙-congˡ px≈y) qy≈z)

-- Properties of _∣∣_

∣∣-trans : Transitive _∣∣_
∣∣-trans (x∣y , y∣x) (y∣z , z∣y) = ∣-trans x∣y y∣z , ∣-trans z∣y y∣x