-- The Agda standard library
-- The Binomial Theorem for Commutative Semirings

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles
  using (CommutativeSemiring)

module Algebra.Properties.CommutativeSemiring.Binomial {a } (S : CommutativeSemiring a ) where

open CommutativeSemiring S
open import Algebra.Properties.Semiring.Exp semiring using (_^_)
import Algebra.Properties.Semiring.Binomial semiring as Binomial
open Binomial public hiding (theorem)

-- Here it is

theorem :  n x y  (x + y) ^ n  binomialExpansion x y n
theorem n x y = Binomial.theorem x y (*-comm x y) n