-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of divisibility over commutative magmas

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra using (CommutativeMagma)

module Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMagma.Divisibility
  {a } (CM : CommutativeMagma a )

open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)

open CommutativeMagma CM using (magma; _≈_; _∙_; comm)

-- Re-export the contents of magmas

open import Algebra.Properties.Magma.Divisibility magma public
  using (_∣_; _,_)
  renaming ( ∣ʳ-respʳ-≈  to ∣-respʳ-≈
           ; ∣ʳ-respˡ-≈  to ∣-respˡ-≈
           ; ∣ʳ-resp-≈   to ∣-resp-≈
           ; x∣ʳyx       to x∣yx
           ; xy≈z⇒y∣ʳz   to xy≈z⇒y∣z

-- Further properties

x∣xy :  x y  x  x  y
x∣xy x y = y , comm y x

xy≈z⇒x∣z :  x y {z}  x  y  z  x  z
xy≈z⇒x∣z x y xy≈z = ∣-respʳ-≈ xy≈z (x∣xy x y)

x|xy∧y|xy :  x y  (x  x  y) × (y  x  y)
x|xy∧y|xy x y = x∣xy x y , x∣yx y x

xy≈z⇒x|z∧y|z :  x y {z}  x  y  z  x  z × y  z
xy≈z⇒x|z∧y|z x y xy≈z = xy≈z⇒x∣z x y xy≈z , xy≈z⇒y∣z x y xy≈z

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.2

∣-factors = x|xy∧y|xy
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ∣-factors
"Warning: ∣-factors was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use x|xy∧y|xy instead. "
∣-factors-≈ = xy≈z⇒x|z∧y|z
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ∣-factors-≈
"Warning: ∣-factors-≈ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use xy≈z⇒x|z∧y|z instead. "