-- The Agda standard library
-- Some properties of Magma homomorphisms

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Algebra.Morphism.Consequences where

open import Algebra using (Magma)
open import Algebra.Morphism.Definitions using (Homomorphic₂)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_)
open import Function.Definitions
  using (Injective; Congruent; Inverseᵇ; Inverseˡ)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning

-- If f and g are mutually inverse maps between A and B, g is congruent,
-- f is a homomorphism, then g is a homomorphism.

module _ {α α= β β=} (M₁ : Magma α α=) (M₂ : Magma β β=) where

    open module M₁ = Magma M₁ using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈₁_; _∙_ to _∙₁_)
    open module M₂ = Magma M₂ using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈₂_; _∙_ to _∙₂_)

  homomorphic₂-inv  :  {f g}  Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ g 
                      Inverseᵇ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ f g 
                      Homomorphic₂ _ _ _≈₂_ f _∙₁_ _∙₂_  
                      Homomorphic₂ _ _ _≈₁_ g _∙₂_ _∙₁_
  homomorphic₂-inv {f} {g} g-cong (invˡ , invʳ) homo x y = begin
    g (x ∙₂ y)             ≈⟨ g-cong (M₂.∙-cong (invˡ M₁.refl) (invˡ M₁.refl)) 
    g (f (g x) ∙₂ f (g y)) ≈⟨ g-cong (homo (g x) (g y)) 
    g (f (g x ∙₁ g y))     ≈⟨ invʳ M₂.refl 
    g x ∙₁ g y             
    where open ≈-Reasoning M₁.setoid

  homomorphic₂-inj  :  {f g}  Injective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ f 
                      Inverseˡ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ f g 
                      Homomorphic₂ _ _ _≈₂_ f _∙₁_ _∙₂_  
                      Homomorphic₂ _ _ _≈₁_ g _∙₂_ _∙₁_
  homomorphic₂-inj {f} {g} inj invˡ homo x y = inj (begin
    f (g (x ∙₂ y))      ≈⟨ invˡ M₁.refl 
    x ∙₂ y              ≈⟨ M₂.∙-cong (invˡ M₁.refl) (invˡ M₁.refl) 
    f (g x) ∙₂ f (g y)  ≈⟨ homo (g x) (g y) 
    f (g x ∙₁ g y)      )
    where open ≈-Reasoning M₂.setoid