{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsEquivalence)
module Algebra.Module.Structures.Biased where
open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Algebra.Core
open import Algebra.Module.Core
open import Algebra.Module.Consequences
open import Algebra.Module.Structures
open import Function.Base using (flip)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
m ℓm r ℓr s ℓs : Level
M : Set m
module _ (commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring r ℓr) where
open CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring renaming (Carrier to R)
record IsSemimoduleFromLeft (≈ᴹ : Rel {m} M ℓm) (+ᴹ : Op₂ M) (0ᴹ : M)
(*ₗ : Opₗ R M) : Set (r ⊔ m ⊔ ℓr ⊔ ℓm) where
isLeftSemimodule : IsLeftSemimodule semiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ *ₗ
open IsLeftSemimodule isLeftSemimodule
isBisemimodule : IsBisemimodule semiring semiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ *ₗ (flip *ₗ)
isBisemimodule = record
{ +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid = +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid
; isPreleftSemimodule = isPreleftSemimodule
; isPrerightSemimodule = record
{ *ᵣ-cong = flip *ₗ-cong
; *ᵣ-zeroʳ = *ₗ-zeroˡ
; *ᵣ-distribˡ = *ₗ-distribʳ
; *ᵣ-identityʳ = *ₗ-identityˡ
; *ᵣ-assoc =
*ₗ-assoc+comm⇒*ᵣ-assoc _≈_ ≈ᴹ-setoid *ₗ-congʳ *ₗ-assoc *-comm
; *ᵣ-zeroˡ = *ₗ-zeroʳ
; *ᵣ-distribʳ = *ₗ-distribˡ
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc =
*ₗ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc _≈_ ≈ᴹ-setoid *ₗ-congʳ *ₗ-assoc *-comm
isSemimodule : IsSemimodule commutativeSemiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ *ₗ (flip *ₗ)
isSemimodule = record
{ isBisemimodule = isBisemimodule
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-coincident = λ _ _ → ≈ᴹ-refl
record IsSemimoduleFromRight (≈ᴹ : Rel {m} M ℓm) (+ᴹ : Op₂ M) (0ᴹ : M)
(*ᵣ : Opᵣ R M) : Set (r ⊔ m ⊔ ℓr ⊔ ℓm) where
isRightSemimodule : IsRightSemimodule semiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ *ᵣ
open IsRightSemimodule isRightSemimodule
isBisemimodule : IsBisemimodule semiring semiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ (flip *ᵣ) *ᵣ
isBisemimodule = record
{ +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid = +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid
; isPreleftSemimodule = record
{ *ₗ-cong = flip *ᵣ-cong
; *ₗ-zeroˡ = *ᵣ-zeroʳ
; *ₗ-distribʳ = *ᵣ-distribˡ
; *ₗ-identityˡ = *ᵣ-identityʳ
; *ₗ-assoc =
*ᵣ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-assoc _≈_ ≈ᴹ-setoid *ᵣ-congˡ *ᵣ-assoc *-comm
; *ₗ-zeroʳ = *ᵣ-zeroˡ
; *ₗ-distribˡ = *ᵣ-distribʳ
; isPrerightSemimodule = isPrerightSemimodule
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc =
*ᵣ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc _≈_ ≈ᴹ-setoid *ᵣ-congˡ *ᵣ-assoc *-comm
isSemimodule : IsSemimodule commutativeSemiring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ (flip *ᵣ) *ᵣ
isSemimodule = record
{ isBisemimodule = isBisemimodule
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-coincident = λ _ _ → ≈ᴹ-refl
module _ (commutativeRing : CommutativeRing r ℓr) where
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing renaming (Carrier to R)
record IsModuleFromLeft (≈ᴹ : Rel {m} M ℓm)
(+ᴹ : Op₂ M) (0ᴹ : M) (-ᴹ : Op₁ M) (*ₗ : Opₗ R M)
: Set (r ⊔ m ⊔ ℓr ⊔ ℓm) where
isLeftModule : IsLeftModule ring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ -ᴹ *ₗ
open IsLeftModule isLeftModule
isModule : IsModule commutativeRing ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ -ᴹ *ₗ (flip *ₗ)
isModule = record
{ isBimodule = record
{ isBisemimodule = IsSemimoduleFromLeft.isBisemimodule
{commutativeSemiring = commutativeSemiring}
(record { isLeftSemimodule = isLeftSemimodule })
; -ᴹ‿cong = -ᴹ‿cong
; -ᴹ‿inverse = -ᴹ‿inverse
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-coincident = λ _ _ → ≈ᴹ-refl
record IsModuleFromRight (≈ᴹ : Rel {m} M ℓm)
(+ᴹ : Op₂ M) (0ᴹ : M) (-ᴹ : Op₁ M) (*ᵣ : Opᵣ R M)
: Set (r ⊔ m ⊔ ℓr ⊔ ℓm) where
isRightModule : IsRightModule ring ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ -ᴹ *ᵣ
open IsRightModule isRightModule
isModule : IsModule commutativeRing ≈ᴹ +ᴹ 0ᴹ -ᴹ (flip *ᵣ) *ᵣ
isModule = record
{ isBimodule = record
{ isBisemimodule = IsSemimoduleFromRight.isBisemimodule
{commutativeSemiring = commutativeSemiring}
(record { isRightSemimodule = isRightSemimodule })
; -ᴹ‿cong = -ᴹ‿cong
; -ᴹ‿inverse = -ᴹ‿inverse
; *ₗ-*ᵣ-coincident = λ _ _ → ≈ᴹ-refl