------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Properties connecting left-scaling and right-scaling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel) -- The properties are parameterised by the three carriers and -- the result equality. module Algebra.Module.Definitions.Bi {a a′ b ℓb} (A : Set a) (A′ : Set a′) {B : Set b} (_≈_ : Rel B ℓb) where open import Algebra.Module.Core Associative : Opₗ A B → Opᵣ A′ B → Set _ Associative _∙ₗ_ _∙ᵣ_ = ∀ x m y → ((x ∙ₗ m) ∙ᵣ y) ≈ (x ∙ₗ (m ∙ᵣ y))