-- The Agda standard library
-- Definitions of algebraic structures defined over some other
-- structure, like modules and vector spaces
-- Terminology of bundles:
-- * There are both *semimodules* and *modules*.
--   - For M an R-semimodule, R is a semiring, and M forms a commutative
--     monoid.
--   - For M an R-module, R is a ring, and M forms an Abelian group.
-- * There are all four of *left modules*, *right modules*, *bimodules*,
--   and *modules*.
--   - Left modules have a left-scaling operation.
--   - Right modules have a right-scaling operation.
--   - Bimodules have two sorts of scalars. Left-scaling handles one and
--     right-scaling handles the other. Left-scaling and right-scaling
--     are furthermore compatible.
--   - Modules are bimodules with a single sort of scalars and scalar
--     multiplication must also be commutative. Left-scaling and
--     right-scaling coincide.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Algebra.Module.Bundles where

open import Algebra.Bundles
  using (Semiring; Ring; CommutativeSemiring; CommutativeRing
        ; CommutativeMonoid; AbelianGroup)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁; Op₂)
open import Algebra.Definitions using (Involutive)
import Algebra.Module.Bundles.Raw as Raw
open import Algebra.Module.Core using (Opₗ; Opᵣ)
open import Algebra.Module.Structures
  using (IsLeftSemimodule; IsRightSemimodule; IsBisemimodule
        ; IsSemimodule; IsLeftModule; IsRightModule; IsModule; IsBimodule)
open import Algebra.Module.Definitions
open import Function.Base using (flip)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; suc)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Nullary    using (¬_)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning

    r ℓr s ℓs : Level

-- Re-export definitions of 'raw' bundles

open Raw public
  using ( RawLeftSemimodule; RawLeftModule
        ; RawRightSemimodule; RawRightModule
        ; RawBisemimodule; RawBimodule
        ; RawSemimodule; RawModule

-- Left modules

record LeftSemimodule (semiring : Semiring r ℓr) m ℓm
                      : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open Semiring semiring

  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    isLeftSemimodule : IsLeftSemimodule semiring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ _*ₗ_

  open IsLeftSemimodule isLeftSemimodule public

  +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid m ℓm
  +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid

  open CommutativeMonoid +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid public
    using () renaming
    ( monoid    to +ᴹ-monoid
    ; semigroup to +ᴹ-semigroup
    ; magma     to +ᴹ-magma
    ; rawMagma  to +ᴹ-rawMagma
    ; rawMonoid to +ᴹ-rawMonoid
    ; _≉_ to _≉ᴹ_

  rawLeftSemimodule : RawLeftSemimodule Carrier m ℓm
  rawLeftSemimodule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ₗ_ = _*ₗ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ

record LeftModule (ring : Ring r ℓr) m ℓm : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open Ring ring

  infixr 8 -ᴹ_
  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    -ᴹ_ : Op₁ Carrierᴹ
    isLeftModule : IsLeftModule ring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ -ᴹ_ _*ₗ_

  open IsLeftModule isLeftModule public

  leftSemimodule : LeftSemimodule semiring m ℓm
  leftSemimodule = record { isLeftSemimodule = isLeftSemimodule }

  open LeftSemimodule leftSemimodule public
    using ( +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-monoid; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma
          ; +ᴹ-rawMagma; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; rawLeftSemimodule; _≉ᴹ_)

  +ᴹ-abelianGroup : AbelianGroup m ℓm
  +ᴹ-abelianGroup = record { isAbelianGroup = +ᴹ-isAbelianGroup }

  open AbelianGroup +ᴹ-abelianGroup public
    using () renaming (group to +ᴹ-group; rawGroup to +ᴹ-rawGroup)

  rawLeftModule : RawLeftModule Carrier m ℓm
  rawLeftModule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ₗ_ = _*ₗ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ
    ; -ᴹ_ = -ᴹ_

-- Right modules

record RightSemimodule (semiring : Semiring r ℓr) m ℓm
                       : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open Semiring semiring

  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    isRightSemimodule : IsRightSemimodule semiring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ _*ᵣ_

  open IsRightSemimodule isRightSemimodule public

  +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid m ℓm
  +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = +ᴹ-isCommutativeMonoid

  open CommutativeMonoid +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid public
    using () renaming
    ( monoid    to +ᴹ-monoid
    ; semigroup to +ᴹ-semigroup
    ; magma     to +ᴹ-magma
    ; rawMagma  to +ᴹ-rawMagma
    ; rawMonoid to +ᴹ-rawMonoid
    ; _≉_ to _≉ᴹ_

  rawRightSemimodule : RawRightSemimodule Carrier m ℓm
  rawRightSemimodule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ᵣ_ = _*ᵣ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ

record RightModule (ring : Ring r ℓr) m ℓm : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open Ring ring

  infixr 8 -ᴹ_
  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    -ᴹ_ : Op₁ Carrierᴹ
    isRightModule : IsRightModule ring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ -ᴹ_ _*ᵣ_

  open IsRightModule isRightModule public

  rightSemimodule : RightSemimodule semiring m ℓm
  rightSemimodule = record { isRightSemimodule = isRightSemimodule }

  open RightSemimodule rightSemimodule public
    using ( +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-monoid; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma
          ; +ᴹ-rawMagma; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; rawRightSemimodule; _≉ᴹ_)

  +ᴹ-abelianGroup : AbelianGroup m ℓm
  +ᴹ-abelianGroup = record { isAbelianGroup = +ᴹ-isAbelianGroup }

  open AbelianGroup +ᴹ-abelianGroup public
    using () renaming (group to +ᴹ-group; rawGroup to +ᴹ-rawGroup)

  rawRightModule : RawRightModule Carrier m ℓm
  rawRightModule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ᵣ_ = _*ᵣ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ
    ; -ᴹ_ = -ᴹ_

-- Bimodules

record Bisemimodule (R-semiring : Semiring r ℓr) (S-semiring : Semiring s ℓs)
                    m ℓm : Set (r  s  ℓr  ℓs  suc (m  ℓm)) where
    module R = Semiring R-semiring
    module S = Semiring S-semiring

  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ R.Carrier Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ S.Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    isBisemimodule : IsBisemimodule R-semiring S-semiring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ _*ₗ_ _*ᵣ_

  open IsBisemimodule isBisemimodule public

  leftSemimodule : LeftSemimodule R-semiring m ℓm
  leftSemimodule = record { isLeftSemimodule = isLeftSemimodule }

  rightSemimodule : RightSemimodule S-semiring m ℓm
  rightSemimodule = record { isRightSemimodule = isRightSemimodule }

  open LeftSemimodule leftSemimodule public
    using ( +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-monoid; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma; +ᴹ-rawMagma
          ; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; rawLeftSemimodule; _≉ᴹ_)

  open RightSemimodule rightSemimodule public
    using ( rawRightSemimodule )

  rawBisemimodule : RawBisemimodule R.Carrier S.Carrier m ℓm
  rawBisemimodule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ₗ_ = _*ₗ_
    ; _*ᵣ_ = _*ᵣ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ

record Bimodule (R-ring : Ring r ℓr) (S-ring : Ring s ℓs) m ℓm
                : Set (r  s  ℓr  ℓs  suc (m  ℓm)) where
    module R = Ring R-ring
    module S = Ring S-ring

  infix 8 -ᴹ_
  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ R.Carrier Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ S.Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    -ᴹ_ : Op₁ Carrierᴹ
    isBimodule : IsBimodule R-ring S-ring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ -ᴹ_ _*ₗ_ _*ᵣ_

  open IsBimodule isBimodule public

  leftModule : LeftModule R-ring m ℓm
  leftModule = record { isLeftModule = isLeftModule }

  rightModule : RightModule S-ring m ℓm
  rightModule = record { isRightModule = isRightModule }

  open LeftModule leftModule public
    using ( +ᴹ-abelianGroup; +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-group; +ᴹ-monoid
          ; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma; +ᴹ-rawMagma; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; +ᴹ-rawGroup
          ; rawLeftSemimodule; rawLeftModule; _≉ᴹ_)

  open RightModule rightModule public
    using ( rawRightSemimodule; rawRightModule )

  bisemimodule : Bisemimodule R.semiring S.semiring m ℓm
  bisemimodule = record { isBisemimodule = isBisemimodule }

  open Bisemimodule bisemimodule public
    using (leftSemimodule; rightSemimodule; rawBisemimodule)

  rawBimodule : RawBimodule R.Carrier S.Carrier m ℓm
  rawBimodule = record
    { _≈ᴹ_ = _≈ᴹ_
    ; _+ᴹ_ = _+ᴹ_
    ; _*ₗ_ = _*ₗ_
    ; _*ᵣ_ = _*ᵣ_
    ; 0ᴹ = 0ᴹ
    ; -ᴹ_ = -ᴹ_

-- Modules over commutative structures

record Semimodule (commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring r ℓr) m ℓm
                  : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring

  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ : Carrierᴹ
    isSemimodule : IsSemimodule commutativeSemiring _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ _*ₗ_ _*ᵣ_

  open IsSemimodule isSemimodule public

    module L = LeftDefs Carrier _≈ᴹ_
    module R = RightDefs Carrier _≈ᴹ_

  bisemimodule : Bisemimodule semiring semiring m ℓm
  bisemimodule = record { isBisemimodule = isBisemimodule }

  open Bisemimodule bisemimodule public
    using ( leftSemimodule; rightSemimodule
          ; +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-monoid; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma
          ; +ᴹ-rawMagma; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; rawLeftSemimodule; rawRightSemimodule
          ; rawBisemimodule; _≉ᴹ_

  open ≈-Reasoning ≈ᴹ-setoid

  *ₗ-comm : L.Commutative _*ₗ_
  *ₗ-comm x y m = begin
    x *ₗ y *ₗ m   ≈⟨ ≈ᴹ-sym (*ₗ-assoc x y m) 
    (x * y) *ₗ m  ≈⟨ *ₗ-cong (*-comm _ _) ≈ᴹ-refl 
    (y * x) *ₗ m  ≈⟨ *ₗ-assoc y x m 
    y *ₗ x *ₗ m   

  *ᵣ-comm : R.Commutative _*ᵣ_
  *ᵣ-comm m x y = begin
    m *ᵣ x *ᵣ y   ≈⟨ *ᵣ-assoc m x y 
    m *ᵣ (x * y)  ≈⟨ *ᵣ-cong ≈ᴹ-refl (*-comm _ _) 
    m *ᵣ (y * x)  ≈⟨ ≈ᴹ-sym (*ᵣ-assoc m y x) 
    m *ᵣ y *ᵣ x   

  rawSemimodule : RawSemimodule Carrier m ℓm
  rawSemimodule = rawBisemimodule

record Module (commutativeRing : CommutativeRing r ℓr) m ℓm
              : Set (r  ℓr  suc (m  ℓm)) where
  open CommutativeRing commutativeRing

  infixr 8 -ᴹ_
  infixr 7 _*ₗ_
  infixl 7 _*ᵣ_
  infixl 6 _+ᴹ_
  infix 4 _≈ᴹ_

    Carrierᴹ : Set m
    _≈ᴹ_ : Rel Carrierᴹ ℓm
    _+ᴹ_ : Op₂ Carrierᴹ
    _*ₗ_ : Opₗ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    _*ᵣ_ : Opᵣ Carrier Carrierᴹ
    0ᴹ   : Carrierᴹ
    -ᴹ_  : Op₁ Carrierᴹ
    isModule : IsModule commutativeRing _≈ᴹ_ _+ᴹ_ 0ᴹ -ᴹ_ _*ₗ_ _*ᵣ_

  open IsModule isModule public

  bimodule : Bimodule ring ring m ℓm
  bimodule = record { isBimodule = isBimodule }

  open Bimodule bimodule public
    using ( leftModule; rightModule; leftSemimodule; rightSemimodule
          ; +ᴹ-abelianGroup; +ᴹ-group; +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid; +ᴹ-monoid
          ; +ᴹ-semigroup; +ᴹ-magma ; +ᴹ-rawMonoid; +ᴹ-rawMagma
          ; +ᴹ-rawGroup; rawLeftSemimodule; rawLeftModule; rawRightSemimodule
          ; rawRightModule; rawBisemimodule; rawBimodule; _≉ᴹ_)

  semimodule : Semimodule commutativeSemiring m ℓm
  semimodule = record { isSemimodule = isSemimodule }

  open Semimodule semimodule public using (*ₗ-comm; *ᵣ-comm; rawSemimodule)

  rawModule : RawModule Carrier m ℓm
  rawModule = rawBimodule