{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality where
open import Algebra.Bundles using (CommutativeMonoid)
open import Algebra.Definitions using (Idempotent)
open import Algebra.Structures.Biased using (isCommutativeMonoidˡ)
open import Effect.Monad using (RawMonad)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List.Base
using (List; []; _∷_; map; _++_; concat; [_]; lookup; length)
open import Data.List.Effectful using (monad; module Applicative; module MonadProperties)
import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
using (∷↔; map↔; Any-cong; ++↔; concat↔; >>=↔; ++↔++; ⊎↔; ⊥↔Any[])
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
using (∈-∃++)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties
using (⊆-preorder)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional
using (_↭_; ↭-sym; refl; module PermutationReasoning)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties
using (∈-resp-↭; ∈-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ]; ↭-sym-involutive; shift; ++-comm)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (∃; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; _×_)
import Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Propositional as Σ
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_; [_,_]′; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum.Properties using (inj₂-injective; inj₁-injective)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Propositional using (_⊎-cong_)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic.Base using (⊤)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _$_; id; _⟨_⟩_; case_of_)
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; Inverse; Equivalence; mk↔ₛ′; mk⇔)
open import Function.Related.Propositional as Related
using (↔⇒; ⌊_⌋; ⌊_⌋→; ⇒→; K-refl; SK-sym)
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms using (×-identityʳ; ∃∃↔∃∃)
open import Function.Properties.Inverse using (↔-sym; ↔-trans; to-from)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Trans)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Preorder; Setoid)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Preorder as ≲-Reasoning
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡
using (_≡_; _≢_; _≗_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as ≡
using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Syntax
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core using (¬_)
a b : Level
A B : Set a
x y : A
ws xs ys zs : List A
open Related public using (Kind; SymmetricKind) renaming
( implication to subset
; reverseImplication to superset
; equivalence to set
; injection to subbag
; reverseInjection to superbag
; bijection to bag
[_]-Order : Kind → Set a → Preorder _ _ _
[ k ]-Order A = Related.InducedPreorder₂ {A = A} k _∈_
[_]-Equality : SymmetricKind → Set a → Setoid _ _
[ k ]-Equality A = Related.InducedEquivalence₂ {A = A} k _∈_
infix 4 _∼[_]_
_∼[_]_ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → List A → Kind → List A → Set _
_∼[_]_ {A = A} xs k ys = Preorder._≲_ ([ k ]-Order A) xs ys
module Eq {k a} {A : Set a} = Setoid ([ k ]-Equality A)
module Ord {k a} {A : Set a} = Preorder ([ k ]-Order A)
open module ListMonad {ℓ} = RawMonad (monad {ℓ = ℓ})
module MP = MonadProperties
bag-=⇒ : ∀ {k} → xs ∼[ bag ] ys → xs ∼[ k ] ys
bag-=⇒ xs≈ys = ↔⇒ xs≈ys
module ⊆-Reasoning {A : Set a} where
private module Base = ≲-Reasoning (⊆-preorder A)
open Base public
hiding (step-≈; step-≈˘; step-≈-⟩; step-≈-⟨; step-∼; step-≲)
renaming (≲-go to ⊆-go)
open begin-membership-syntax _IsRelatedTo_ _∈_ (λ x → begin x) public
open ⊆-syntax _IsRelatedTo_ _IsRelatedTo_ ⊆-go public
module _ {k : Related.ForwardKind} where
∼-go : Trans _∼[ ⌊ k ⌋→ ]_ _IsRelatedTo_ _IsRelatedTo_
∼-go eq = ⊆-go (⇒→ eq)
open ∼-syntax _IsRelatedTo_ _IsRelatedTo_ ∼-go public
module _ {k} {x y : A} {xs ys} where
∷-cong : x ≡ y → xs ∼[ k ] ys → x ∷ xs ∼[ k ] y ∷ ys
∷-cong refl xs≈ys {y} = begin
y ∈ x ∷ xs ↔⟨ SK-sym $ ∷↔ (y ≡_) ⟩
(y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ xs) ∼⟨ K-refl ⊎-cong xs≈ys ⟩
(y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ ys) ↔⟨ ∷↔ (y ≡_) ⟩
y ∈ x ∷ ys ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {k} {f g : A → B} {xs ys} where
map-cong : f ≗ g → xs ∼[ k ] ys → map f xs ∼[ k ] map g ys
map-cong f≗g xs≈ys {x} = begin
x ∈ map f xs ↔⟨ SK-sym $ map↔ ⟩
Any (λ y → x ≡ f y) xs ∼⟨ Any-cong (↔⇒ ∘ helper) xs≈ys ⟩
Any (λ y → x ≡ g y) ys ↔⟨ map↔ ⟩
x ∈ map g ys ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
helper : ∀ y → x ≡ f y ↔ x ≡ g y
helper y = mk↔ₛ′
(λ x≡fy → ≡.trans x≡fy ( f≗g y))
(λ x≡gy → ≡.trans x≡gy (≡.sym $ f≗g y))
(λ { ≡.refl → ≡.trans-symˡ (f≗g y) })
λ { ≡.refl → ≡.trans-symʳ (f≗g y) }
module _ {k} {xs₁ xs₂ ys₁ ys₂ : List A} where
++-cong : xs₁ ∼[ k ] xs₂ → ys₁ ∼[ k ] ys₂ →
xs₁ ++ ys₁ ∼[ k ] xs₂ ++ ys₂
++-cong xs₁≈xs₂ ys₁≈ys₂ {x} = begin
x ∈ xs₁ ++ ys₁ ↔⟨ SK-sym $ ++↔ ⟩
(x ∈ xs₁ ⊎ x ∈ ys₁) ∼⟨ xs₁≈xs₂ ⊎-cong ys₁≈ys₂ ⟩
(x ∈ xs₂ ⊎ x ∈ ys₂) ↔⟨ ++↔ ⟩
x ∈ xs₂ ++ ys₂ ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {k} {xss yss : List (List A)} where
concat-cong : xss ∼[ k ] yss → concat xss ∼[ k ] concat yss
concat-cong xss≈yss {x} = begin
x ∈ concat xss ↔⟨ SK-sym concat↔ ⟩
Any (Any (x ≡_)) xss ∼⟨ Any-cong (λ _ → _ ∎) xss≈yss ⟩
Any (Any (x ≡_)) yss ↔⟨ concat↔ ⟩
x ∈ concat yss ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {k} {A B : Set a} {xs ys} {f g : A → List B} where
>>=-cong : xs ∼[ k ] ys → (∀ x → f x ∼[ k ] g x) →
(xs >>= f) ∼[ k ] (ys >>= g)
>>=-cong xs≈ys f≈g {x} = begin
x ∈ (xs >>= f) ↔⟨ SK-sym >>=↔ ⟩
Any (λ y → x ∈ f y) xs ∼⟨ Any-cong (λ x → f≈g x) xs≈ys ⟩
Any (λ y → x ∈ g y) ys ↔⟨ >>=↔ ⟩
x ∈ (ys >>= g) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {k} {A B : Set a} {fs gs : List (A → B)} {xs ys} where
⊛-cong : fs ∼[ k ] gs → xs ∼[ k ] ys → (fs ⊛ xs) ∼[ k ] (gs ⊛ ys)
⊛-cong fs≈gs xs≈ys {x} = begin
x ∈ (fs ⊛ xs)
≡⟨ ≡.cong (x ∈_) (Applicative.unfold-⊛ fs xs) ⟩
x ∈ (fs >>= λ f → xs >>= λ x → pure (f x))
∼⟨ >>=-cong fs≈gs (λ f → >>=-cong xs≈ys λ x → K-refl) ⟩
x ∈ (gs >>= λ g → ys >>= λ y → pure (g y))
≡⟨ ≡.cong (x ∈_) (Applicative.unfold-⊛ gs ys) ⟨
x ∈ (gs ⊛ ys) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {ℓ k} {A B : Set ℓ} {xs₁ xs₂ : List A} {ys₁ ys₂ : List B} where
⊗-cong : xs₁ ∼[ k ] xs₂ → ys₁ ∼[ k ] ys₂ →
(xs₁ ⊗ ys₁) ∼[ k ] (xs₂ ⊗ ys₂)
⊗-cong xs₁≈xs₂ ys₁≈ys₂ =
⊛-cong (map-cong (λ _ → refl) xs₁≈xs₂) ys₁≈ys₂
commutativeMonoid : SymmetricKind → Set a → CommutativeMonoid _ _
commutativeMonoid {a} k A = record
{ Carrier = List A
; _≈_ = _∼[ ⌊ k ⌋ ]_
; _∙_ = _++_
; ε = []
; isCommutativeMonoid = isCommutativeMonoidˡ record
{ isSemigroup = record
{ isMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = Eq.isEquivalence
; ∙-cong = ++-cong
; assoc = λ xs ys zs →
Eq.reflexive (List.++-assoc xs ys zs)
; identityˡ = λ xs → K-refl
; comm = λ xs ys → ↔⇒ (++↔++ xs ys)
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
empty-unique : ∀ {k} → xs ∼[ ⌊ k ⌋→ ] [] → xs ≡ []
empty-unique {xs = []} _ = refl
empty-unique {xs = _ ∷ _} ∷∼[] with () ← ⇒→ ∷∼[] (here refl)
++-idempotent : Idempotent {A = List A} _∼[ set ]_ _++_
++-idempotent xs {x} =
x ∈ xs ++ xs
∼⟨ mk⇔ ([ id , id ]′ ∘ (Inverse.from $ ++↔)) (Inverse.to ++↔ ∘ inj₁) ⟩
x ∈ xs ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
>>=-left-distributive :
∀ (xs : List A) {f g : A → List B} →
(xs >>= λ x → f x ++ g x) ∼[ bag ] (xs >>= f) ++ (xs >>= g)
>>=-left-distributive {ℓ} xs {f} {g} {y} =
y ∈ (xs >>= λ x → f x ++ g x) ↔⟨ SK-sym $ >>=↔ ⟩
Any (λ x → y ∈ f x ++ g x) xs ↔⟨ SK-sym (Any-cong (λ _ → ++↔) (_ ∎)) ⟩
Any (λ x → y ∈ f x ⊎ y ∈ g x) xs ↔⟨ SK-sym $ ⊎↔ ⟩
(Any (λ x → y ∈ f x) xs ⊎ Any (λ x → y ∈ g x) xs) ↔⟨ >>=↔ ⟨ _⊎-cong_ ⟩ >>=↔ ⟩
(y ∈ (xs >>= f) ⊎ y ∈ (xs >>= g)) ↔⟨ ++↔ ⟩
y ∈ (xs >>= f) ++ (xs >>= g) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
⊛-left-distributive :
∀ (fs : List (A → B)) xs₁ xs₂ →
(fs ⊛ (xs₁ ++ xs₂)) ∼[ bag ] (fs ⊛ xs₁) ++ (fs ⊛ xs₂)
⊛-left-distributive {B = B} fs xs₁ xs₂ = begin
fs ⊛ (xs₁ ++ xs₂) ≡⟨ Applicative.unfold-⊛ fs (xs₁ ++ xs₂) ⟩
(fs >>= λ f → xs₁ ++ xs₂ >>= pure ∘ f) ≡⟨ (MP.cong (refl {x = fs}) λ f →
MP.right-distributive xs₁ xs₂ (pure ∘ f)) ⟩
(fs >>= λ f → (xs₁ >>= pure ∘ f) ++
(xs₂ >>= pure ∘ f)) ≈⟨ >>=-left-distributive fs ⟩
(fs >>= λ f → xs₁ >>= pure ∘ f) ++
(fs >>= λ f → xs₂ >>= pure ∘ f) ≡⟨ ≡.cong₂ _++_ (Applicative.unfold-⊛ fs xs₁) (Applicative.unfold-⊛ fs xs₂) ⟨
(fs ⊛ xs₁) ++ (fs ⊛ xs₂) ∎
where open ≈-Reasoning ([ bag ]-Equality B)
¬-drop-cons : ∀ {x : A} →
¬ (∀ {xs ys} → x ∷ xs ∼[ set ] x ∷ ys → xs ∼[ set ] ys)
¬-drop-cons {x = x} drop-cons with Equivalence.to x∼[] (here refl)
x,x≈x : (x ∷ x ∷ []) ∼[ set ] [ x ]
x,x≈x = ++-idempotent [ x ]
x∼[] : [ x ] ∼[ set ] []
x∼[] = drop-cons x,x≈x
... | ()
drop-cons : ∀ {x : A} {xs ys} → x ∷ xs ∼[ bag ] x ∷ ys → xs ∼[ bag ] ys
drop-cons {x = x} {xs} {ys} x∷xs≈x∷ys =
(∼→⊎↔⊎ x∷xs≈x∷ys)
(lemma x∷xs≈x∷ys)
(lemma (SK-sym x∷xs≈x∷ys))
∈-index : ∀ {z} (xs : List A) → z ∈ xs ↔ ∃ λ i → z ≡ lookup xs i
∈-index {z = z} [] =
z ∈ [] ↔⟨ SK-sym ⊥↔Any[] ⟩
⊥ ↔⟨ mk↔ₛ′ (λ ()) (λ { (() , _) }) (λ { (() , _) }) (λ ()) ⟩
(∃ λ (i : Fin 0) → z ≡ lookup [] i) ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
∈-index {z = z} (x ∷ xs) =
z ∈ x ∷ xs ↔⟨ SK-sym (∷↔ _) ⟩
(z ≡ x ⊎ z ∈ xs) ↔⟨ K-refl ⊎-cong ∈-index xs ⟩
(z ≡ x ⊎ ∃ λ i → z ≡ lookup xs i) ↔⟨ mk↔ₛ′ (λ { (inj₁ p) → zero , p; (inj₂ (i , p)) → suc i , p })
(λ { (zero , p) → inj₁ p; (suc i , p) → inj₂ (i , p) })
(λ { (zero , _) → refl; (suc _ , _) → refl })
(λ { (inj₁ _) → refl; (inj₂ _) → refl }) ⟩
(∃ λ i → z ≡ lookup (x ∷ xs) i) ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
index-of : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {z} {xs : List A} →
z ∈ xs → Fin (length xs)
index-of = proj₁ ∘ (Inverse.to (∈-index _))
Fin-length : ∀ {a} {A : Set a}
(xs : List A) → (∃ λ z → z ∈ xs) ↔ Fin (length xs)
Fin-length xs =
(∃ λ z → z ∈ xs) ↔⟨ Σ.cong K-refl (∈-index xs) ⟩
(∃ λ z → ∃ λ i → z ≡ lookup xs i) ↔⟨ ∃∃↔∃∃ _ ⟩
(∃ λ i → ∃ λ z → z ≡ lookup xs i) ↔⟨ Σ.cong K-refl (mk↔ₛ′ _ (λ _ → _ , refl) (λ _ → refl) (λ { (_ , refl) → refl })) ⟩
(Fin (length xs) × ⊤) ↔⟨ ×-identityʳ _ _ ⟩
Fin (length xs) ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
Fin-length-cong : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {xs ys : List A} →
xs ∼[ bag ] ys → Fin (length xs) ↔ Fin (length ys)
Fin-length-cong {xs = xs} {ys} xs≈ys =
Fin (length xs) ↔⟨ SK-sym $ Fin-length xs ⟩
∃ (λ z → z ∈ xs) ↔⟨ Σ.cong K-refl xs≈ys ⟩
∃ (λ z → z ∈ ys) ↔⟨ Fin-length ys ⟩
Fin (length ys) ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
index-of-commutes :
∀ {a} {A : Set a} {z : A} {xs ys} →
(xs≈ys : xs ∼[ bag ] ys) (p : z ∈ xs) →
index-of (Inverse.to xs≈ys p) ≡
Inverse.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of p)
index-of-commutes {z = z} {xs} {ys} xs≈ys p =
index-of (to xs≈ys p) ≡⟨ lemma z p ⟩
index-of (to xs≈ys (proj₂
(from (Fin-length xs) (to (Fin-length xs) (z , p))))) ≡⟨⟩
index-of (proj₂ (Product.map₂ (to xs≈ys)
(from (Fin-length xs) (to (Fin-length xs) (z , p))))) ≡⟨⟩
to (Fin-length ys) (Product.map₂ (to xs≈ys)
(from (Fin-length xs) (index-of p))) ≡⟨⟩
to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of p) ∎
open ≡-Reasoning
open Inverse
lemma :
∀ z p →
index-of (to xs≈ys p) ≡
index-of (to xs≈ys (proj₂
(from (Fin-length xs) (to (Fin-length xs) (z , p)))))
lemma z p with to (Fin-length xs) (z , p)
| strictlyInverseʳ (Fin-length xs) (z , p)
lemma .(lookup xs i) .(from (∈-index xs) (i , refl)) | i | refl =
index-equality-preserved :
∀ {a} {A : Set a} {z : A} {xs ys} {p q : z ∈ xs}
(xs≈ys : xs ∼[ bag ] ys) →
index-of p ≡ index-of q →
index-of (Inverse.to xs≈ys p) ≡
index-of (Inverse.to xs≈ys q)
index-equality-preserved {p = p} {q} xs≈ys eq =
index-of (Inverse.to xs≈ys p) ≡⟨ index-of-commutes xs≈ys p ⟩
Inverse.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of p) ≡⟨ ≡.cong (Inverse.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys)) eq ⟩
Inverse.to (Fin-length-cong xs≈ys) (index-of q) ≡⟨ ≡.sym $ index-of-commutes xs≈ys q ⟩
index-of (Inverse.to xs≈ys q) ∎
open ≡-Reasoning
inspect : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (x : A) → ∃ (x ≡_)
inspect x = x , refl
Well-behaved : ∀ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} →
(A ⊎ B → A ⊎ C) → Set _
Well-behaved f =
∀ {b a a′} → f (inj₂ b) ≡ inj₁ a → f (inj₁ a) ≢ inj₁ a′
⊎-left-cancellative :
∀ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c}
(f : (A ⊎ B) ↔ (A ⊎ C)) →
Well-behaved (Inverse.to f) →
Well-behaved (Inverse.from f) →
B ↔ C
⊎-left-cancellative {A = A} = λ inv to-hyp from-hyp → mk↔ₛ′
(g (to inv) to-hyp)
(g (from inv) from-hyp)
(g∘g (SK-sym inv) from-hyp to-hyp)
(g∘g inv to-hyp from-hyp)
open Inverse
module _
{a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c}
(f : A ⊎ B → A ⊎ C)
(hyp : Well-behaved f)
g : B → C
g b = g′ (inspect (f (inj₂ b)))
g′ : ∀ {b} → ∃ (f (inj₂ b) ≡_) → C
g′ (inj₂ c , _) = c
g′ (inj₁ a , eq) = g″ eq (inspect (f (inj₁ a)))
g″ : ∀ {a b} →
f (inj₂ b) ≡ inj₁ a → ∃ (f (inj₁ a) ≡_) → C
g″ _ (inj₂ c , _) = c
g″ eq₁ (inj₁ _ , eq₂) = ⊥-elim $ hyp eq₁ eq₂
g∘g : ∀ {b c} {B : Set b} {C : Set c}
(f : (A ⊎ B) ↔ (A ⊎ C)) →
(to-hyp : Well-behaved (to f)) →
(from-hyp : Well-behaved (from f)) →
∀ b → g (from f) from-hyp (g (to f) to-hyp b) ≡ b
g∘g f to-hyp from-hyp b = g∘g′
open ≡-Reasoning
g∘g′ : g (from f) from-hyp (g (to f) to-hyp b) ≡ b
g∘g′ with inspect (to f (inj₂ b))
g∘g′ | inj₂ c , eq₁ with inspect (from f (inj₂ c))
... | inj₂ b′ , eq₂ = inj₂-injective (
inj₂ b′ ≡⟨ ≡.sym eq₂ ⟩
from f (inj₂ c) ≡⟨ to-from f eq₁ ⟩
inj₂ b ∎)
... | inj₁ a , eq₂ with
inj₁ a ≡⟨ ≡.sym eq₂ ⟩
from f (inj₂ c) ≡⟨ to-from f eq₁ ⟩
inj₂ b ∎
... | ()
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ with inspect (to f (inj₁ a))
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₁ a′ , eq₂ = ⊥-elim $ to-hyp eq₁ eq₂
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₂ c , eq₂ with inspect (from f (inj₂ c))
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₂ c , eq₂ | inj₂ b′ , eq₃ with
inj₁ a ≡⟨ ≡.sym (to-from f eq₂) ⟩
from f (inj₂ c) ≡⟨ eq₃ ⟩
inj₂ b′ ∎
... | ()
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₂ c , eq₂ | inj₁ a′ , eq₃ with inspect (from f $ inj₁ a′)
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₂ c , eq₂ | inj₁ a′ , eq₃ | inj₁ a″ , eq₄ = ⊥-elim $ from-hyp eq₃ eq₄
g∘g′ | inj₁ a , eq₁ | inj₂ c , eq₂ | inj₁ a′ , eq₃ | inj₂ b′ , eq₄ = inj₂-injective (
let lemma =
inj₁ a′ ≡⟨ ≡.sym eq₃ ⟩
from f (inj₂ c) ≡⟨ to-from f eq₂ ⟩
inj₁ a ∎
inj₂ b′ ≡⟨ ≡.sym eq₄ ⟩
from f (inj₁ a′) ≡⟨ ≡.cong (from f ∘ inj₁) $ inj₁-injective lemma ⟩
from f (inj₁ a) ≡⟨ to-from f eq₁ ⟩
inj₂ b ∎)
∼→⊎↔⊎ :
∀ {x : A} {xs ys} →
x ∷ xs ∼[ bag ] x ∷ ys →
∀ {z} → (z ≡ x ⊎ z ∈ xs) ↔ (z ≡ x ⊎ z ∈ ys)
∼→⊎↔⊎ {x = x} {xs} {ys} x∷xs≈x∷ys {z} =
(z ≡ x ⊎ z ∈ xs) ↔⟨ ∷↔ _ ⟩
z ∈ x ∷ xs ↔⟨ x∷xs≈x∷ys ⟩
z ∈ x ∷ ys ↔⟨ SK-sym (∷↔ _) ⟩
(z ≡ x ⊎ z ∈ ys) ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
lemma : ∀ {xs ys} (inv : x ∷ xs ∼[ bag ] x ∷ ys) {z} →
Well-behaved (Inverse.to (∼→⊎↔⊎ inv {z}))
lemma {xs} inv {b = z∈xs} {a = p} {a′ = q} hyp₁ hyp₂ = case contra of λ ()
open Inverse
open ≡-Reasoning
contra : zero ≡ suc (index-of {xs = xs} z∈xs)
contra = begin
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (here p)
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (∷↔ _) $ inj₁ p)
≡⟨ ≡.cong (index-of ∘ (to (∷↔ (_ ≡_)))) $ to-from (∼→⊎↔⊎ inv) {x = inj₁ p} hyp₂ ⟨
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (∷↔ _) $ (from (∼→⊎↔⊎ inv) $ inj₁ q))
≡⟨ ≡.cong index-of $ strictlyInverseˡ (∷↔ _) (from inv (here q)) ⟩
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (SK-sym inv) $ here q)
≡⟨ index-equality-preserved (SK-sym inv) refl ⟩
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (SK-sym inv) $ here p)
≡⟨ ≡.cong index-of $ strictlyInverseˡ (∷↔ _) (from inv (here p)) ⟨
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (∷↔ _) (from (∼→⊎↔⊎ inv) $ inj₁ p))
≡⟨ ≡.cong (index-of ∘ (to (∷↔ (_ ≡_)))) $ to-from (∼→⊎↔⊎ inv) {x = inj₂ z∈xs} hyp₁ ⟩
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (to (∷↔ _) $ inj₂ z∈xs)
index-of {xs = x ∷ xs} (there z∈xs)
suc (index-of {xs = xs} z∈xs)
↭⇒∼bag : _↭_ {A = A} ⇒ _∼[ bag ]_
↭⇒∼bag xs↭ys {v} = mk↔ₛ′ (to xs↭ys) (from xs↭ys) (to∘from xs↭ys) (from∘to xs↭ys)
to : ∀ {xs ys} → xs ↭ ys → v ∈ xs → v ∈ ys
to xs↭ys = ∈-resp-↭ xs↭ys
from : ∀ {xs ys} → xs ↭ ys → v ∈ ys → v ∈ xs
from xs↭ys = ∈-resp-↭ (↭-sym xs↭ys)
from∘to : ∀ {xs ys} (p : xs ↭ ys) (q : v ∈ xs) → from p (to p q) ≡ q
from∘to = ∈-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ]
to∘from : ∀ {xs ys} (p : xs ↭ ys) (q : v ∈ ys) → to p (from p q) ≡ q
to∘from p with res ← from∘to (↭-sym p) rewrite ↭-sym-involutive p = res
∼bag⇒↭ : _∼[ bag ]_ ⇒ _↭_ {A = A}
∼bag⇒↭ {A = A} {[]} eq with refl ← empty-unique (↔-sym eq) = refl
∼bag⇒↭ {A = A} {x ∷ xs} eq
with zs₁ , zs₂ , p ← ∈-∃++ (Inverse.to (eq {x}) (here ≡.refl)) rewrite p = begin
x ∷ xs <⟨ ∼bag⇒↭ (drop-cons (↔-trans eq (comm zs₁ (x ∷ zs₂)))) ⟩
x ∷ (zs₂ ++ zs₁) <⟨ ++-comm zs₂ zs₁ ⟩
x ∷ (zs₁ ++ zs₂) ↭⟨ shift x zs₁ zs₂ ⟨
zs₁ ++ x ∷ zs₂ ∎
open CommutativeMonoid (commutativeMonoid bag A)
open PermutationReasoning