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{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_; foldr)
open import Data.Product.Base hiding (proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (⊤)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_)
open import Level using (suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (does)
module Data.Record {ℓ} (Label : Set ℓ) (_≟_ : DecidableEquality Label) where
infix 4 _,
record Manifest-Σ {a b} (A : Set a) {B : A → Set b}
(f : (x : A) → B x) : Set a where
constructor _,
field proj₁ : A
proj₂ : B proj₁
proj₂ = f proj₁
infixl 5 _,_∶_ _,_≔_
data Signature s : Set (suc s ⊔ ℓ) where
∅ : Signature s
_,_∶_ : (Sig : Signature s)
(ℓ : Label)
(A : Record Sig → Set s) →
Signature s
_,_≔_ : (Sig : Signature s)
(ℓ : Label)
{A : Record Sig → Set s}
(a : (r : Record Sig) → A r) →
Signature s
record Record {s} (Sig : Signature s) : Set s where
constructor rec
field fun : Record-fun Sig
Record-fun : ∀ {s} → Signature s → Set s
Record-fun ∅ = ⊤
Record-fun (Sig , ℓ ∶ A) = Σ (Record Sig) A
Record-fun (Sig , ℓ ≔ a) = Manifest-Σ (Record Sig) a
labels : ∀ {s} → Signature s → List Label
labels ∅ = []
labels (Sig , ℓ ∶ A) = ℓ ∷ labels Sig
labels (Sig , ℓ ≔ a) = ℓ ∷ labels Sig
infix 4 _∈_
_∈_ : ∀ {s} → Label → Signature s → Set
ℓ ∈ Sig =
foldr (λ ℓ′ → if does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′) then (λ _ → ⊤) else id) ⊥ (labels Sig)
Restrict : ∀ {s} (Sig : Signature s) (ℓ : Label) → ℓ ∈ Sig →
Signature s
Restrict ∅ ℓ ()
Restrict (Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A) ℓ ℓ∈ with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Sig
... | false = Restrict Sig ℓ ℓ∈
Restrict (Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a) ℓ ℓ∈ with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Sig
... | false = Restrict Sig ℓ ℓ∈
Restricted : ∀ {s} (Sig : Signature s) (ℓ : Label) → ℓ ∈ Sig → Set s
Restricted Sig ℓ ℓ∈ = Record (Restrict Sig ℓ ℓ∈)
Proj : ∀ {s} (Sig : Signature s) (ℓ : Label) {ℓ∈ : ℓ ∈ Sig} →
Restricted Sig ℓ ℓ∈ → Set s
Proj ∅ ℓ {}
Proj (Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = A
... | false = Proj Sig ℓ {ℓ∈}
Proj (_,_≔_ Sig ℓ′ {A = A} a) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = A
... | false = Proj Sig ℓ {ℓ∈}
infixl 5 _∣_
_∣_ : ∀ {s} {Sig : Signature s} → Record Sig →
(ℓ : Label) {ℓ∈ : ℓ ∈ Sig} → Restricted Sig ℓ ℓ∈
_∣_ {Sig = ∅} r ℓ {}
_∣_ {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A} (rec r) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Σ.proj₁ r
... | false = _∣_ (Σ.proj₁ r) ℓ {ℓ∈}
_∣_ {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a} (rec r) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r
... | false = _∣_ (Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r) ℓ {ℓ∈}
infixl 5 _·_
_·_ : ∀ {s} {Sig : Signature s} (r : Record Sig)
(ℓ : Label) {ℓ∈ : ℓ ∈ Sig} →
Proj Sig ℓ {ℓ∈} (r ∣ ℓ)
_·_ {Sig = ∅} r ℓ {}
_·_ {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A} (rec r) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Σ.proj₂ r
... | false = _·_ (Σ.proj₁ r) ℓ {ℓ∈}
_·_ {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a} (rec r) ℓ {ℓ∈} with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Manifest-Σ.proj₂ r
... | false = _·_ (Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r) ℓ {ℓ∈}
infixl 5 _With_≔_
_With_≔_ : ∀ {s} (Sig : Signature s) (ℓ : Label) {ℓ∈ : ℓ ∈ Sig} →
((r : Restricted Sig ℓ ℓ∈) → Proj Sig ℓ r) → Signature s
_With_≔_ ∅ ℓ {} a
_With_≔_ (Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A) ℓ {ℓ∈} a with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a
... | false = _With_≔_ Sig ℓ {ℓ∈} a , ℓ′ ∶ A ∘ drop-With
_With_≔_ (Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a′) ℓ {ℓ∈} a with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a
... | false = _With_≔_ Sig ℓ {ℓ∈} a , ℓ′ ≔ a′ ∘ drop-With
drop-With : ∀ {s} {Sig : Signature s} {ℓ : Label} {ℓ∈ : ℓ ∈ Sig}
{a : (r : Restricted Sig ℓ ℓ∈) → Proj Sig ℓ r} →
Record (_With_≔_ Sig ℓ {ℓ∈} a) → Record Sig
drop-With {Sig = ∅} {ℓ∈ = ()} r
drop-With {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ∶ A} {ℓ} (rec r) with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = rec (Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r , Manifest-Σ.proj₂ r)
... | false = rec (drop-With (Σ.proj₁ r) , Σ.proj₂ r)
drop-With {Sig = Sig , ℓ′ ≔ a} {ℓ} (rec r) with does (ℓ ≟ ℓ′)
... | true = rec (Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r ,)
... | false = rec (drop-With (Manifest-Σ.proj₁ r) ,)