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-- The Agda standard library
-- Containers core

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Container.Core where

open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (Σ-syntax)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∘′_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Inverse; _↔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; _⊆_)

-- Definition of Containers

infix 5 _▷_
record Container (s p : Level) : Set (suc (s  p)) where
  constructor _▷_
    Shape    : Set s
    Position : Shape  Set p
open Container public

-- The semantics ("extension") of a container.

⟦_⟧ :  {s p }  Container s p  Set   Set (s  p  )
 S  P  X = Σ[ s  S ] (P s  X)

-- The extension is a functor

map :  {s p x y} {C : Container s p} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y} 
      (X  Y)   C  X   C  Y
map f = Product.map₂ (f ∘_)

-- Representation of container morphisms.

infixr 8 _⇒_ _⊸_

record _⇒_ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂)
           : Set (s₁  s₂  p₁  p₂) where
  constructor _▷_
    shape    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape s)  Position C₁ s

  ⟪_⟫ :  {x} {X : Set x}   C₁  X   C₂  X
  ⟪_⟫ = shape (_∘′ position)

open _⇒_ public

-- Linear container morphisms

record _⊸_ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂)
  : Set (s₁  s₂  p₁  p₂) where
    shape⊸    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position⊸ :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape⊸ s)  Position C₁ s

  morphism : C₁  C₂
  morphism = record
    { shape    = shape⊸
    ; position = position⊸

  ⟪_⟫⊸ :  {x} {X : Set x}   C₁  X   C₂  X
  ⟪_⟫⊸ =  morphism 

open _⊸_ public using (shape⊸; position⊸; ⟪_⟫⊸)