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-- The Agda standard library
-- Bundles for morphisms between binary relations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Structures
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences using (mono⇒cong)

module Relation.Binary.Morphism.Bundles where

    ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ ℓ₅ ℓ₆ : Level

-- Setoids

module _ (S₁ : Setoid ℓ₁ ℓ₂) (S₂ : Setoid ℓ₃ ℓ₄) where

  record SetoidHomomorphism : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) where
    open Setoid
      ⟦_⟧               : Carrier S₁  Carrier S₂
      isRelHomomorphism : IsRelHomomorphism (_≈_ S₁) (_≈_ S₂) ⟦_⟧

    open IsRelHomomorphism isRelHomomorphism public

  record SetoidMonomorphism : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) where
    open Setoid
      ⟦_⟧               : Carrier S₁  Carrier S₂
      isRelMonomorphism : IsRelMonomorphism (_≈_ S₁) (_≈_ S₂) ⟦_⟧

    open IsRelMonomorphism isRelMonomorphism public

    homomorphism : SetoidHomomorphism
    homomorphism = record { isRelHomomorphism = isHomomorphism }

  record SetoidIsomorphism : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄) where
    open Setoid
      ⟦_⟧              : Carrier S₁  Carrier S₂
      isRelIsomorphism : IsRelIsomorphism (_≈_ S₁) (_≈_ S₂) ⟦_⟧

    open IsRelIsomorphism isRelIsomorphism public

    monomorphism : SetoidMonomorphism
    monomorphism = record { isRelMonomorphism = isMonomorphism }

    open SetoidMonomorphism monomorphism public
      using (homomorphism)

-- Preorders

record PreorderHomomorphism (S₁ : Preorder ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃)
                            (S₂ : Preorder ℓ₄ ℓ₅ ℓ₆)
                            : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄  ℓ₅  ℓ₆) where
  open Preorder
    ⟦_⟧                 : Carrier S₁  Carrier S₂
    isOrderHomomorphism : IsOrderHomomorphism (_≈_ S₁) (_≈_ S₂) (_≲_ S₁) (_≲_ S₂) ⟦_⟧

  open IsOrderHomomorphism isOrderHomomorphism public

-- Posets

module _ (P : Poset ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃) (Q : Poset ℓ₄ ℓ₅ ℓ₆) where

    module P = Poset P
    module Q = Poset Q

  record PosetHomomorphism : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂  ℓ₃  ℓ₄  ℓ₅  ℓ₆) where
      ⟦_⟧                 : P.Carrier  Q.Carrier
      isOrderHomomorphism : IsOrderHomomorphism P._≈_ Q._≈_ P._≤_ Q._≤_ ⟦_⟧

    open IsOrderHomomorphism isOrderHomomorphism public

  -- Smart constructor that automatically constructs the congruence
  -- proof from the monotonicity proof
  mkPosetHomo :  f  f Preserves P._≤_  Q._≤_  PosetHomomorphism
  mkPosetHomo f mono = record
    { ⟦_⟧ = f
    ; isOrderHomomorphism = record
      { cong = mono⇒cong P._≈_ Q._≈_ P.Eq.sym P.reflexive Q.antisym mono
      ; mono = mono