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{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Function.Properties.Inverse.HalfAdjointEquivalence where
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Inverse; _↔_; mk↔ₛ′)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym; trans; trans-reflʳ; cong-≡id; cong-∘; naturality;
cong-id; trans-assoc; trans-symˡ; module ≡-Reasoning)
a b : Level
A B : Set a
infix 4 _≃_
record _≃_ (A : Set a) (B : Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
to : A → B
from : B → A
left-inverse-of : ∀ x → from (to x) ≡ x
right-inverse-of : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
left-right : ∀ x → cong to (left-inverse-of x) ≡ right-inverse-of (to x)
injective : ∀ {x y} → to x ≡ to y → x ≡ y
injective {x} {y} to-x≡to-y =
x ≡⟨ sym (left-inverse-of _) ⟩
from (to x) ≡⟨ cong from to-x≡to-y ⟩
from (to y) ≡⟨ left-inverse-of _ ⟩
y ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
≃⇒↔ : A ≃ B → A ↔ B
≃⇒↔ A≃B = mk↔ₛ′ to from right-inverse-of left-inverse-of
where open _≃_ A≃B
↔⇒≃ : A ↔ B → A ≃ B
↔⇒≃ A↔B = record
{ to = to
; from = from
; left-inverse-of = strictlyInverseʳ
; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of
; left-right = left-right
open ≡-Reasoning
open module A↔B = Inverse A↔B
right-inverse-of : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
right-inverse-of x =
to (from x) ≡⟨ sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) ⟩
to (from (to (from x))) ≡⟨ cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _) ⟩
to (from x) ≡⟨ A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _ ⟩
x ∎
left-right :
∀ x →
cong to (strictlyInverseʳ x) ≡ right-inverse-of (to x)
left-right x =
cong to (strictlyInverseʳ x) ≡⟨⟩
trans refl (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans p (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)))
(sym (trans-symˡ (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))) ⟩
trans (trans (sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)) ≡⟨ trans-assoc (sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _)) ⟩
trans (sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _)
(cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _))) ≡⟨ cong (trans (sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))) lemma ⟩
trans (sym (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(trans (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _))
(trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) refl)) ≡⟨⟩
right-inverse-of (to x) ∎
lemma =
trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _)
(cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)) ≡⟨ cong (trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _)) (sym (cong-id _)) ⟩
trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _)
(cong id (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _))) ≡⟨ sym (naturality A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ) ⟩
trans (cong (to ∘ from)
(cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)))
(A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans p (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(sym (cong-∘ _)) ⟩
trans (cong (to ∘ from ∘ to)
(strictlyInverseʳ _))
(A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans p (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _))
(cong-∘ _) ⟩
trans (cong to
(cong (from ∘ to)
(strictlyInverseʳ _)))
(A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans (cong to p) (strictlyInverseˡ (to x)))
(cong-≡id strictlyInverseʳ) ⟩
trans (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _))
(A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) ≡⟨ cong (trans (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _)))
(sym (trans-reflʳ _)) ⟩
trans (cong to (strictlyInverseʳ _))
(trans (A↔B.strictlyInverseˡ _) refl) ∎