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-- The Agda standard library
-- Vectors where at least one element satisfies a given property

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any {a} {A : Set a} where

open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc; NonZero)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec; []; [_]; _∷_)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (; _,_)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_; contradiction)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec using (no; _⊎-dec_)
open import Relation.Unary

    p q : Level
    P : Pred A p
    Q : Pred A q
    n : 
    xs : Vec A n

-- Any P xs means that at least one element in xs satisfies P.

data Any (P : Pred A p) :  {n}  Vec A n  Set (a  p) where
  here  :  {n x} {xs : Vec A n} (px  : P x)       Any P (x  xs)
  there :  {n x} {xs : Vec A n} (pxs : Any P xs)  Any P (x  xs)

-- Operations on Any

-- If the tail does not satisfy the predicate, then the head will.
head :  {x}  ¬ Any P xs  Any P (x  xs)  P x
head ¬pxs (here px)   = px
head ¬pxs (there pxs) = contradiction pxs ¬pxs

-- If the head does not satisfy the predicate, then the tail will.
tail :  {x}  ¬ P x  Any P (x  xs)  Any P xs
tail ¬px (here  px)  = contradiction px ¬px
tail ¬px (there pxs) = pxs

-- Convert back and forth with sum
toSum :  {x}  Any P (x  xs)  P x  Any P xs
toSum (here px)   = inj₁ px
toSum (there pxs) = inj₂ pxs

fromSum :  {x}  P x  Any P xs  Any P (x  xs)
fromSum = [ here , there ]′

map : P  Q   {n}  Any P {n}  Any Q {n}
map g (here px)   = here (g px)
map g (there pxs) = there (map g pxs)

index : Any P {n} xs  Fin n
index (here  px)  = zero
index (there pxs) = suc (index pxs)

lookup : Any P xs  A
lookup {xs = xs} p = Vec.lookup xs (index p)

-- If any element satisfies P, then P is satisfied.
satisfied : Any P xs   P
satisfied (here px)   = _ , px
satisfied (there pxs) = satisfied pxs

-- Properties of predicates preserved by Any

any? : Decidable P   {n}  Decidable (Any P {n})
any? P? []       = no λ()
any? P? (x  xs) =′ fromSum toSum (P? x ⊎-dec any? P? xs)

satisfiable : Satisfiable P   {n}  Satisfiable (Any P {suc n})
satisfiable (x , p) {zero}  = x  [] , here p
satisfiable (x , p) {suc n} = (x ∷_) there (satisfiable (x , p))

any = any?
"Warning: any was deprecated in v1.4.
Please use any? instead."