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-- The Agda standard library
-- Natural numbers represented in binary.

-- This module contains an alternative formulation of ℕ that is
-- still reasonably computationally efficient without having to use
-- built-in functions.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Nat.Binary.Base where

open import Algebra.Bundles.Raw using (RawMagma; RawMonoid)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₂)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Nat.Base as  using ()
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_)
open import Function.Base using (_on_)
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)

-- Definition

data ℕᵇ : Set where
  zero   : ℕᵇ
  2[1+_] : ℕᵇ  ℕᵇ    -- n → 2*(1+n) = nonzero even numbers
  1+[2_] : ℕᵇ  ℕᵇ    -- n → 1 + 2*n = odd numbers

-- Ordering relations

infix 4 _<_ _>_ _≤_ _≥_ _≮_ _≯_ _≰_ _≱_

data _<_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ  where
  0<even    :  {x}  zero < 2[1+ x ]
  0<odd     :  {x}  zero < 1+[2 x ]
  even<even :  {x y}  x < y  2[1+ x ] < 2[1+ y ]
  even<odd  :  {x y}  x < y  2[1+ x ] < 1+[2 y ]
  odd<even  :  {x y}  x < y  x  y  1+[2 x ] < 2[1+ y ]
  odd<odd   :  {x y}  x < y  1+[2 x ] < 1+[2 y ]
  -- In these constructors "even" stands for nonzero even.

_>_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x > y = y < x

_≤_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = x < y  x  y

_≥_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = y  x

_≮_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = ¬ (x < y)

_≯_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = ¬ (x > y)

_≰_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = ¬ (x  y)

_≱_ : Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
x  y = ¬ (x  y)

-- Basic operations

double : ℕᵇ  ℕᵇ
double zero     = zero
double 2[1+ x ] = 2[1+ 1+[2 x ] ]
double 1+[2 x ] = 2[1+ (double x) ]

suc : ℕᵇ  ℕᵇ
suc zero     =  1+[2 zero ]
suc 2[1+ x ] =  1+[2 (suc x) ]
suc 1+[2 x ] =  2[1+ x ]

pred : ℕᵇ  ℕᵇ
pred zero     = zero
pred 2[1+ x ] = 1+[2 x ]
pred 1+[2 x ] = double x

-- Addition, multiplication and certain related functions

infixl 6 _+_
infixl 7 _*_

_+_ : Op₂ ℕᵇ
zero     + y        =  y
x        + zero     =  x
2[1+ x ] + 2[1+ y ] =  2[1+ suc (x + y) ]
2[1+ x ] + 1+[2 y ] =  suc 2[1+ (x + y) ]
1+[2 x ] + 2[1+ y ] =  suc 2[1+ (x + y) ]
1+[2 x ] + 1+[2 y ] =  suc 1+[2 (x + y) ]

_*_ : Op₂ ℕᵇ
zero     * _        =  zero
_        * zero     =  zero
2[1+ x ] * 2[1+ y ] =  double 2[1+ x + (y + x * y) ]
2[1+ x ] * 1+[2 y ] =  2[1+ x + y * 2[1+ x ] ]
1+[2 x ] * 2[1+ y ] =  2[1+ y + x * 2[1+ y ] ]
1+[2 x ] * 1+[2 y ] =  1+[2 x + y * 1+[2 x ] ]

-- Conversion between ℕᵇ and ℕ

toℕ : ℕᵇ  
toℕ zero     =  0
toℕ 2[1+ x ] =  2 ℕ.* (ℕ.suc (toℕ x))
toℕ 1+[2 x ] =  ℕ.suc (2 ℕ.* (toℕ x))

fromℕ :   ℕᵇ
fromℕ n = helper n n
  module fromℕ where
  helper :     ℕᵇ
  helper 0 _ = zero
  helper (ℕ.suc n) (ℕ.suc w) =
    if (n ℕ.% 2 ℕ.≡ᵇ 0)
      then 1+[2 helper (n ℕ./ 2) w ]
      else 2[1+ helper (n ℕ./ 2) w ]
  -- Impossible case
  helper _ 0 = zero

-- An alternative slower definition
fromℕ' :   ℕᵇ
fromℕ' 0 = zero
fromℕ' (ℕ.suc n) = suc (fromℕ' n)

-- An alternative ordering lifted from ℕ

infix 4 _<ℕ_

_<ℕ_ :  Rel ℕᵇ 0ℓ
_<ℕ_ =  ℕ._<_ on toℕ

-- Other functions

-- Useful in some termination proofs.
size : ℕᵇ  
size zero     = 0
size 2[1+ x ] = ℕ.suc (size x)
size 1+[2 x ] = ℕ.suc (size x)

-- Constants

0ᵇ = zero
1ᵇ = suc 0ᵇ
2ᵇ = suc 1ᵇ
3ᵇ = suc 2ᵇ
4ᵇ = suc 3ᵇ
5ᵇ = suc 4ᵇ
6ᵇ = suc 5ᵇ
7ᵇ = suc 6ᵇ
8ᵇ = suc 7ᵇ
9ᵇ = suc 8ᵇ

-- Raw bundles for _+_

+-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ
+-rawMagma = record
  { _≈_ = _≡_
  ; _∙_ = _+_

+-0-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ
+-0-rawMonoid = record
  { _≈_ = _≡_
  ; _∙_ = _+_
  ; ε   = 0ᵇ

-- Raw bundles for _*_

*-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ
*-rawMagma = record
  { _≈_ = _≡_
  ; _∙_ = _*_

*-1-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ
*-1-rawMonoid = record
  { _≈_ = _≡_
  ; _∙_ = _*_
  ; ε   = 1ᵇ