{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Multicategories but over an 'index' type, rather than forcing Fin n
module Categories.Multi.Category.Indexed where

open import Level
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; uncurry; curry; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Product.Properties
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (; tt)
open import Data.Vec.Functional
open import Function.Base using (const) renaming (_∘_ to _●_; id to id→)
open import Function.Bundles using (_⟨$⟩_; _↔_; mk↔ₛ′; Inverse)
open import Function.Construct.Identity renaming (inverse to id↔)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; setoid)

-- any point can be lifted to a function from ⊤
pointed : {s t : Level} {S : Set s} (x : S)   {t}  S
pointed x _ = x

-- the standard library doesn't seem to have the 'right' version of these.
⊤×K↔K : {t k : Level} {K : Set k}  ( {t} × K)  K
⊤×K↔K = mk↔ₛ′ proj₂ (tt ,_)  _  refl) λ _  refl

K×⊤↔K : {t k : Level} {K : Set k}  (K ×  {t})  K
K×⊤↔K = mk↔ₛ′ proj₁ (_, tt)  _  refl) λ _  refl

⊤×⊤↔⊤ : {t : Level}  ( {t} × )  
⊤×⊤↔⊤ = mk↔ₛ′ proj₁  x  x , x)  _  refl) λ _  refl

Σ-assoc : {a b c : Level} {I : Set a} {J : I  Set b} {K : Σ I J  Set c} 
  Σ (Σ I J) K  Σ I  i  Σ (J i) (curry K i))
Σ-assoc {I = I} {J} {K} = mk↔ₛ′ g f  _  refl) λ _  refl
  f : Σ I  i  Σ (J i)  j  K (i , j)))  Σ (Σ I J) K
  f (i , j , k) = (i , j) , k
  g : Σ (Σ I J) K  Σ I  i  Σ (J i)  j  K (i , j)))
  g ((i , j) , k) = i , j , k

-- the ı level is for the 'index' (and to not steal 'i')

-- The important part is that in _∘_, there is no flattening of the
-- index set. But also _≈[_]_ builds in an explicit equivalence
-- that allows one to properly re-index things. The classical view
-- of MultiCategory sweeps all of that under the rug, which gives
-- Agda conniptions (and rightfully so). The advantage of doing it
-- this way makes it clear that the 3 laws are based on the underlying
-- 3 laws that hold for (dependent!) product.

-- The upshot is that this version of MultiCategory makes no finiteness
-- assumption whatsoever.  The index sets involved could be huge,
-- without any issues.

-- Note that this still isn't Symmetric Multicategory. The renaming that
-- happens on indices say nothing about the relation to the contents
-- of the other Hom set.
record MultiCategory (o  e ı : Level) : Set (suc (o    e  ı)) where
  infix  4 _≈[_]_
  infixr 9 _∘_

    Obj : Set o
    Hom : {I : Set ı}  (I  Obj)  Obj  Set 
    id : (o : Obj)  Hom {} (pointed o) o
    _∘_ : {I : Set ı} {aₙ : I  Obj} {a : Obj} {J : I  Set ı}
          {v : (i : I)  J i  Obj} 
          Hom {I} aₙ a  ((i : I)  Hom (v i) (aₙ i))  Hom {Σ I J} (uncurry v) a
    _≈[_]_ : {I J : Set ı} {aₙ : I  Obj} {a : Obj} 
          Hom {I} aₙ a  (σ : I  J)  Hom {J} (aₙ  Inverse.from σ) a  Set e

    identityˡ : {K : Set ı} {aₖ : K  Obj} {a : Obj} {f : Hom aₖ a} 
              id a  pointed f ≈[ ⊤×K↔K ]  f
    identityʳ : {K : Set ı} {aₖ : K  Obj} {a : Obj} {f : Hom aₖ a} 
              f  (id  aₖ) ≈[ K×⊤↔K ] f

    identity² : {a : Obj}  id a  pointed (id a) ≈[ ⊤×⊤↔⊤ ] id a

    assoc : -- the 3 index sets
            {I : Set ı} {J : I  Set ı} {K : Σ I J  Set ı}
            -- the 4 (increasingly indexed) objects
            {a : Obj} {aᵢ : I  Obj}
            {aᵢⱼ : (i : I)  J i  Obj}
            {aᵢⱼₖ : (h : Σ I J)  K h  Obj}
            -- the 3 Homs
            {h : Hom aᵢ a}
            {g : (i : I)  Hom (aᵢⱼ i) (aᵢ i)}
            {f : (k : Σ I J)  Hom (aᵢⱼₖ k) (uncurry aᵢⱼ k)} 
            -- and their relation under composition
            (h  g)  f ≈[ Σ-assoc ] h   i  g i  curry f i)

    -- we also need that _≈[_]_ is, in an appropriate sense, an equivalence relation, which in this case
    -- means that _≈[ id↔ ]_ is.  In other words, we don't care when transport is over 'something else'.
    refl≈ : {I : Set ı} {aₙ : I  Obj} {a : Obj} 
            {h : Hom {I} aₙ a}  h ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] h
    sym≈ : {I : Set ı} {aₙ : I  Obj} {a : Obj} 
           {g h : Hom {I} aₙ a}  g ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] h  h ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] g
    trans≈ : {I : Set ı} {aₙ : I  Obj} {a : Obj} 
           {f g h : Hom {I} aₙ a}  f ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] g  g ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] h  f ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] h

    ∘-resp-≈ : {I : Set ı} {J : I  Set ı}
               {a : Obj} {aᵢ : I  Obj} {aᵢⱼ : (i : I)  J i  Obj}
               {g g′ : Hom aᵢ a} {f f′ : (i : I)  Hom (aᵢⱼ i) (aᵢ i)} 
               g ≈[ id↔ (setoid I) ] g′  (∀ i  f i ≈[ id↔ (setoid (J i)) ] f′ i) 
               g  f ≈[ id↔ (setoid (Σ I J)) ] g′  f′