module Agda.Interaction.Library.Base where
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer ( WriterT, runWriterT, MonadWriter, tell )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Bifunctor ( first , second )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import Data.Function ( (&), on )
import Data.Hashable ( Hashable )
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
import Data.Text ( Text, unpack )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import System.Directory
import Agda.Interaction.Options.Warnings
import Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Utils.IO ( showIOException )
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List ( chopWhen )
import Agda.Utils.List1 ( List1, toList )
import Agda.Utils.List2 ( List2, toList )
import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
import Agda.Utils.Null
data LibName = LibName
{ LibName -> Text
libNameBase :: Text
, LibName -> [Integer]
libNameVersion :: [Integer]
} deriving (LibName -> LibName -> Bool
(LibName -> LibName -> Bool)
-> (LibName -> LibName -> Bool) -> Eq LibName
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: LibName -> LibName -> Bool
== :: LibName -> LibName -> Bool
$c/= :: LibName -> LibName -> Bool
/= :: LibName -> LibName -> Bool
Eq, LineNumber -> LibName -> ShowS
[LibName] -> ShowS
LibName -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibName -> ShowS)
-> (LibName -> [Char]) -> ([LibName] -> ShowS) -> Show LibName
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibName -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibName -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibName -> [Char]
show :: LibName -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibName] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibName] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibName -> Rep LibName x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibName x -> LibName) -> Generic LibName
forall x. Rep LibName x -> LibName
forall x. LibName -> Rep LibName x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibName -> Rep LibName x
from :: forall x. LibName -> Rep LibName x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibName x -> LibName
to :: forall x. Rep LibName x -> LibName
instance Ord LibName where
compare :: LibName -> LibName -> Ordering
compare = (Text, Bool, [Integer]) -> (Text, Bool, [Integer]) -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
compare ((Text, Bool, [Integer]) -> (Text, Bool, [Integer]) -> Ordering)
-> (LibName -> (Text, Bool, [Integer]))
-> LibName
-> LibName
-> Ordering
forall b c a. (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
`on` LibName -> (Text, Bool, [Integer])
versionMeasure :: LibName -> (Text, Bool, [Integer])
versionMeasure :: LibName -> (Text, Bool, [Integer])
versionMeasure (LibName Text
rx [Integer]
vs) = (Text
rx, [Integer] -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null [Integer]
vs, [Integer]
instance Pretty LibName where
pretty :: LibName -> Doc
pretty = \case
LibName Text
base [] -> Text -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Text
LibName Text
base [Integer]
vs -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ Text -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Text
base, Doc
"-", [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
List.intercalate [Char]
"." ([[Char]] -> [Char]) -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Integer -> [Char]) -> [Integer] -> [[Char]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Integer -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show [Integer]
vs ]
parseLibName :: String -> LibName
parseLibName :: [Char] -> LibName
parseLibName [Char]
s =
case (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> ([Char], [Char])
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
span (\ Char
c -> Char -> Bool
isDigit Char
c Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Char
c Char -> Char -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Char
'.') (ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [Char]
s) of
v, Char
'-' : [Char]
x) | [[Char]] -> Bool
forall {a}. Null a => [a] -> Bool
valid [[Char]]
vs ->
Text -> [Integer] -> LibName
LibName ([Char] -> Text
T.pack ([Char] -> Text) -> [Char] -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [Char]
x) ([Integer] -> LibName) -> [Integer] -> LibName
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Integer] -> [Integer]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse ([Integer] -> [Integer]) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([Char] -> Integer) -> [[Char]] -> [Integer]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ([Char] -> Integer
forall a. Read a => [Char] -> a
read ([Char] -> Integer) -> ShowS -> [Char] -> Integer
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse) [[Char]]
vs :: [[Char]]
vs = (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
chopWhen (Char -> Char -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Char
'.') [Char]
valid :: [a] -> Bool
valid [] = Bool
valid [a]
vs = Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any a -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null [a]
([Char], [Char])
_ -> Text -> [Integer] -> LibName
LibName ([Char] -> Text
T.pack [Char]
s) []
data LibrariesFile = LibrariesFile
{ LibrariesFile -> [Char]
lfPath :: FilePath
, LibrariesFile -> Bool
lfExists :: Bool
} deriving (LineNumber -> LibrariesFile -> ShowS
[LibrariesFile] -> ShowS
LibrariesFile -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibrariesFile -> ShowS)
-> (LibrariesFile -> [Char])
-> ([LibrariesFile] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibrariesFile
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibrariesFile -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibrariesFile -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibrariesFile -> [Char]
show :: LibrariesFile -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibrariesFile] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibrariesFile] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibrariesFile -> Rep LibrariesFile x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibrariesFile x -> LibrariesFile)
-> Generic LibrariesFile
forall x. Rep LibrariesFile x -> LibrariesFile
forall x. LibrariesFile -> Rep LibrariesFile x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibrariesFile -> Rep LibrariesFile x
from :: forall x. LibrariesFile -> Rep LibrariesFile x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibrariesFile x -> LibrariesFile
to :: forall x. Rep LibrariesFile x -> LibrariesFile
type ExeName = Text
type ExeMap = Map ExeName FilePath
data ExecutablesFile = ExecutablesFile
{ ExecutablesFile -> [Char]
efPath :: FilePath
, ExecutablesFile -> Bool
efExists :: Bool
} deriving (LineNumber -> ExecutablesFile -> ShowS
[ExecutablesFile] -> ShowS
ExecutablesFile -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> ExecutablesFile -> ShowS)
-> (ExecutablesFile -> [Char])
-> ([ExecutablesFile] -> ShowS)
-> Show ExecutablesFile
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> ExecutablesFile -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> ExecutablesFile -> ShowS
$cshow :: ExecutablesFile -> [Char]
show :: ExecutablesFile -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [ExecutablesFile] -> ShowS
showList :: [ExecutablesFile] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. ExecutablesFile -> Rep ExecutablesFile x)
-> (forall x. Rep ExecutablesFile x -> ExecutablesFile)
-> Generic ExecutablesFile
forall x. Rep ExecutablesFile x -> ExecutablesFile
forall x. ExecutablesFile -> Rep ExecutablesFile x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. ExecutablesFile -> Rep ExecutablesFile x
from :: forall x. ExecutablesFile -> Rep ExecutablesFile x
$cto :: forall x. Rep ExecutablesFile x -> ExecutablesFile
to :: forall x. Rep ExecutablesFile x -> ExecutablesFile
libNameForCurrentDir :: LibName
libNameForCurrentDir :: LibName
libNameForCurrentDir = Text -> [Integer] -> LibName
LibName Text
"." []
data ProjectConfig
= ProjectConfig
{ ProjectConfig -> [Char]
configRoot :: FilePath
, ProjectConfig -> [Char]
configAgdaLibFile :: FilePath
, ProjectConfig -> LineNumber
configAbove :: !Int
| DefaultProjectConfig
deriving (forall x. ProjectConfig -> Rep ProjectConfig x)
-> (forall x. Rep ProjectConfig x -> ProjectConfig)
-> Generic ProjectConfig
forall x. Rep ProjectConfig x -> ProjectConfig
forall x. ProjectConfig -> Rep ProjectConfig x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. ProjectConfig -> Rep ProjectConfig x
from :: forall x. ProjectConfig -> Rep ProjectConfig x
$cto :: forall x. Rep ProjectConfig x -> ProjectConfig
to :: forall x. Rep ProjectConfig x -> ProjectConfig
data OptionsPragma = OptionsPragma
{ OptionsPragma -> [[Char]]
pragmaStrings :: [String]
, OptionsPragma -> Range
pragmaRange :: Range
deriving LineNumber -> OptionsPragma -> ShowS
[OptionsPragma] -> ShowS
OptionsPragma -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> OptionsPragma -> ShowS)
-> (OptionsPragma -> [Char])
-> ([OptionsPragma] -> ShowS)
-> Show OptionsPragma
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> OptionsPragma -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> OptionsPragma -> ShowS
$cshow :: OptionsPragma -> [Char]
show :: OptionsPragma -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [OptionsPragma] -> ShowS
showList :: [OptionsPragma] -> ShowS
instance Semigroup OptionsPragma where
OptionsPragma { pragmaStrings :: OptionsPragma -> [[Char]]
pragmaStrings = [[Char]]
ss1, pragmaRange :: OptionsPragma -> Range
pragmaRange = Range
r1 } <> :: OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma
OptionsPragma { pragmaStrings :: OptionsPragma -> [[Char]]
pragmaStrings = [[Char]]
ss2, pragmaRange :: OptionsPragma -> Range
pragmaRange = Range
r2 } =
{ pragmaStrings :: [[Char]]
pragmaStrings = [[Char]]
ss1 [[Char]] -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [[Char]]
, pragmaRange :: Range
pragmaRange = Range -> Range -> Range
forall a. Ord a => Range' a -> Range' a -> Range' a
fuseRanges Range
r1 Range
instance Monoid OptionsPragma where
mempty :: OptionsPragma
mempty = OptionsPragma { pragmaStrings :: [[Char]]
pragmaStrings = [], pragmaRange :: Range
pragmaRange = Range
forall a. Range' a
noRange }
mappend :: OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma
mappend = OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma -> OptionsPragma
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
instance NFData OptionsPragma where
rnf :: OptionsPragma -> ()
rnf (OptionsPragma [[Char]]
a Range
_) = [[Char]] -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf [[Char]]
data AgdaLibFile = AgdaLibFile
{ AgdaLibFile -> LibName
_libName :: LibName
, AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
_libFile :: FilePath
, AgdaLibFile -> LineNumber
_libAbove :: !Int
, AgdaLibFile -> [[Char]]
_libIncludes :: [FilePath]
, AgdaLibFile -> [LibName]
_libDepends :: [LibName]
, AgdaLibFile -> OptionsPragma
_libPragmas :: OptionsPragma
deriving (LineNumber -> AgdaLibFile -> ShowS
[AgdaLibFile] -> ShowS
AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> AgdaLibFile -> ShowS)
-> (AgdaLibFile -> [Char])
-> ([AgdaLibFile] -> ShowS)
-> Show AgdaLibFile
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> AgdaLibFile -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> AgdaLibFile -> ShowS
$cshow :: AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
show :: AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [AgdaLibFile] -> ShowS
showList :: [AgdaLibFile] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. AgdaLibFile -> Rep AgdaLibFile x)
-> (forall x. Rep AgdaLibFile x -> AgdaLibFile)
-> Generic AgdaLibFile
forall x. Rep AgdaLibFile x -> AgdaLibFile
forall x. AgdaLibFile -> Rep AgdaLibFile x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. AgdaLibFile -> Rep AgdaLibFile x
from :: forall x. AgdaLibFile -> Rep AgdaLibFile x
$cto :: forall x. Rep AgdaLibFile x -> AgdaLibFile
to :: forall x. Rep AgdaLibFile x -> AgdaLibFile
emptyLibFile :: AgdaLibFile
emptyLibFile :: AgdaLibFile
emptyLibFile = AgdaLibFile
{ _libName :: LibName
_libName = LibName
forall a. Null a => a
, _libFile :: [Char]
_libFile = [Char]
, _libAbove :: LineNumber
_libAbove = LineNumber
, _libIncludes :: [[Char]]
_libIncludes = []
, _libDepends :: [LibName]
_libDepends = []
, _libPragmas :: OptionsPragma
_libPragmas = OptionsPragma
forall a. Monoid a => a
lensConfigAbove :: Lens' ProjectConfig Int
lensConfigAbove :: Lens' ProjectConfig LineNumber
lensConfigAbove LineNumber -> f LineNumber
f = \case
DefaultProjectConfig -> ProjectConfig
DefaultProjectConfig ProjectConfig -> f LineNumber -> f ProjectConfig
forall a b. a -> f b -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ LineNumber -> f LineNumber
f LineNumber
c :: ProjectConfig
c@ProjectConfig{} -> LineNumber -> f LineNumber
f (ProjectConfig -> LineNumber
configAbove ProjectConfig
c) f LineNumber -> (LineNumber -> ProjectConfig) -> f ProjectConfig
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ !LineNumber
i -> ProjectConfig
c{ configAbove = i }
libName :: Lens' AgdaLibFile LibName
libName :: Lens' AgdaLibFile LibName
libName LibName -> f LibName
f AgdaLibFile
a = LibName -> f LibName
f (AgdaLibFile -> LibName
_libName AgdaLibFile
a) f LibName -> (LibName -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ LibName
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libName = x }
libFile :: Lens' AgdaLibFile FilePath
libFile :: Lens' AgdaLibFile [Char]
libFile [Char] -> f [Char]
f AgdaLibFile
a = [Char] -> f [Char]
f (AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
_libFile AgdaLibFile
a) f [Char] -> ([Char] -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ [Char]
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libFile = x }
libAbove :: Lens' AgdaLibFile Int
libAbove :: Lens' AgdaLibFile LineNumber
libAbove LineNumber -> f LineNumber
f AgdaLibFile
a = LineNumber -> f LineNumber
f (AgdaLibFile -> LineNumber
_libAbove AgdaLibFile
a) f LineNumber -> (LineNumber -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ LineNumber
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libAbove = x }
libIncludes :: Lens' AgdaLibFile [FilePath]
libIncludes :: Lens' AgdaLibFile [[Char]]
libIncludes [[Char]] -> f [[Char]]
f AgdaLibFile
a = [[Char]] -> f [[Char]]
f (AgdaLibFile -> [[Char]]
_libIncludes AgdaLibFile
a) f [[Char]] -> ([[Char]] -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ [[Char]]
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libIncludes = x }
libDepends :: Lens' AgdaLibFile [LibName]
libDepends :: Lens' AgdaLibFile [LibName]
libDepends [LibName] -> f [LibName]
f AgdaLibFile
a = [LibName] -> f [LibName]
f (AgdaLibFile -> [LibName]
_libDepends AgdaLibFile
a) f [LibName] -> ([LibName] -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ [LibName]
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libDepends = x }
libPragmas :: Lens' AgdaLibFile OptionsPragma
libPragmas :: Lens' AgdaLibFile OptionsPragma
libPragmas OptionsPragma -> f OptionsPragma
f AgdaLibFile
a = OptionsPragma -> f OptionsPragma
f (AgdaLibFile -> OptionsPragma
_libPragmas AgdaLibFile
a) f OptionsPragma -> (OptionsPragma -> AgdaLibFile) -> f AgdaLibFile
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
<&> \ OptionsPragma
x -> AgdaLibFile
a { _libPragmas = x }
type LineNumber = Int
data LibPositionInfo = LibPositionInfo
{ LibPositionInfo -> Maybe [Char]
libFilePos :: Maybe FilePath
, LibPositionInfo -> LineNumber
lineNumPos :: LineNumber
, LibPositionInfo -> [Char]
filePos :: FilePath
deriving (LineNumber -> LibPositionInfo -> ShowS
[LibPositionInfo] -> ShowS
LibPositionInfo -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibPositionInfo -> ShowS)
-> (LibPositionInfo -> [Char])
-> ([LibPositionInfo] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibPositionInfo
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibPositionInfo -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibPositionInfo -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibPositionInfo -> [Char]
show :: LibPositionInfo -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibPositionInfo] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibPositionInfo] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibPositionInfo -> Rep LibPositionInfo x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibPositionInfo x -> LibPositionInfo)
-> Generic LibPositionInfo
forall x. Rep LibPositionInfo x -> LibPositionInfo
forall x. LibPositionInfo -> Rep LibPositionInfo x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibPositionInfo -> Rep LibPositionInfo x
from :: forall x. LibPositionInfo -> Rep LibPositionInfo x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibPositionInfo x -> LibPositionInfo
to :: forall x. Rep LibPositionInfo x -> LibPositionInfo
data LibWarning = LibWarning (Maybe LibPositionInfo) LibWarning'
deriving (LineNumber -> LibWarning -> ShowS
[LibWarning] -> ShowS
LibWarning -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibWarning -> ShowS)
-> (LibWarning -> [Char])
-> ([LibWarning] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibWarning
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibWarning -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibWarning -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibWarning -> [Char]
show :: LibWarning -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibWarning] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibWarning] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibWarning -> Rep LibWarning x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibWarning x -> LibWarning) -> Generic LibWarning
forall x. Rep LibWarning x -> LibWarning
forall x. LibWarning -> Rep LibWarning x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibWarning -> Rep LibWarning x
from :: forall x. LibWarning -> Rep LibWarning x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibWarning x -> LibWarning
to :: forall x. Rep LibWarning x -> LibWarning
data LibWarning'
= UnknownField String
deriving (LineNumber -> LibWarning' -> ShowS
[LibWarning'] -> ShowS
LibWarning' -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibWarning' -> ShowS)
-> (LibWarning' -> [Char])
-> ([LibWarning'] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibWarning'
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibWarning' -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibWarning' -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibWarning' -> [Char]
show :: LibWarning' -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibWarning'] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibWarning'] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibWarning' -> Rep LibWarning' x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibWarning' x -> LibWarning')
-> Generic LibWarning'
forall x. Rep LibWarning' x -> LibWarning'
forall x. LibWarning' -> Rep LibWarning' x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibWarning' -> Rep LibWarning' x
from :: forall x. LibWarning' -> Rep LibWarning' x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibWarning' x -> LibWarning'
to :: forall x. Rep LibWarning' x -> LibWarning'
libraryWarningName :: LibWarning -> WarningName
libraryWarningName :: LibWarning -> WarningName
libraryWarningName (LibWarning Maybe LibPositionInfo
c (UnknownField{})) = WarningName
data LibError = LibError (Maybe LibPositionInfo) LibError'
deriving (LineNumber -> LibError -> ShowS
[LibError] -> ShowS
LibError -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibError -> ShowS)
-> (LibError -> [Char]) -> ([LibError] -> ShowS) -> Show LibError
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibError -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibError -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibError -> [Char]
show :: LibError -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibError] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibError] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibError -> Rep LibError x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibError x -> LibError) -> Generic LibError
forall x. Rep LibError x -> LibError
forall x. LibError -> Rep LibError x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibError -> Rep LibError x
from :: forall x. LibError -> Rep LibError x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibError x -> LibError
to :: forall x. Rep LibError x -> LibError
data LibError'
= LibrariesFileNotFound FilePath
| LibNotFound LibrariesFile LibName
| AmbiguousLib LibName (List2 AgdaLibFile)
| SeveralAgdaLibFiles FilePath (List2 FilePath)
| LibParseError LibParseError
| ReadError
| DuplicateExecutable
(List2 (LineNumber, FilePath))
deriving (LineNumber -> LibError' -> ShowS
[LibError'] -> ShowS
LibError' -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibError' -> ShowS)
-> (LibError' -> [Char])
-> ([LibError'] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibError'
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibError' -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibError' -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibError' -> [Char]
show :: LibError' -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibError'] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibError'] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibError' -> Rep LibError' x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibError' x -> LibError') -> Generic LibError'
forall x. Rep LibError' x -> LibError'
forall x. LibError' -> Rep LibError' x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibError' -> Rep LibError' x
from :: forall x. LibError' -> Rep LibError' x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibError' x -> LibError'
to :: forall x. Rep LibError' x -> LibError'
data LibParseError
= BadLibraryName String
| ReadFailure FilePath E.IOException
| MissingFields (List1 String)
| DuplicateFields (List1 String)
| MissingFieldName LineNumber
| BadFieldName LineNumber String
| MissingColonForField LineNumber String
| ContentWithoutField LineNumber
deriving (LineNumber -> LibParseError -> ShowS
[LibParseError] -> ShowS
LibParseError -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibParseError -> ShowS)
-> (LibParseError -> [Char])
-> ([LibParseError] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibParseError
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibParseError -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibParseError -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibParseError -> [Char]
show :: LibParseError -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibParseError] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibParseError] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibParseError -> Rep LibParseError x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibParseError x -> LibParseError)
-> Generic LibParseError
forall x. Rep LibParseError x -> LibParseError
forall x. LibParseError -> Rep LibParseError x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibParseError -> Rep LibParseError x
from :: forall x. LibParseError -> Rep LibParseError x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibParseError x -> LibParseError
to :: forall x. Rep LibParseError x -> LibParseError
type LibErrWarns = [Either LibError LibWarning]
warnings :: MonadWriter LibErrWarns m => List1 LibWarning -> m ()
warnings :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadWriter LibErrWarns m =>
List1 LibWarning -> m ()
warnings = LibErrWarns -> m ()
forall w (m :: * -> *). MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
tell (LibErrWarns -> m ())
-> (List1 LibWarning -> LibErrWarns) -> List1 LibWarning -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LibWarning -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> [LibWarning] -> LibErrWarns
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map LibWarning -> Either LibError LibWarning
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right ([LibWarning] -> LibErrWarns)
-> (List1 LibWarning -> [LibWarning])
-> List1 LibWarning
-> LibErrWarns
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. List1 LibWarning -> [Item (List1 LibWarning)]
List1 LibWarning -> [LibWarning]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
warnings' :: MonadWriter LibErrWarns m => List1 LibWarning' -> m ()
warnings' :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadWriter LibErrWarns m =>
List1 LibWarning' -> m ()
warnings' = LibErrWarns -> m ()
forall w (m :: * -> *). MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
tell (LibErrWarns -> m ())
-> (List1 LibWarning' -> LibErrWarns) -> List1 LibWarning' -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LibWarning' -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> [LibWarning'] -> LibErrWarns
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (LibWarning -> Either LibError LibWarning
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (LibWarning -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> (LibWarning' -> LibWarning)
-> LibWarning'
-> Either LibError LibWarning
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Maybe LibPositionInfo -> LibWarning' -> LibWarning
LibWarning Maybe LibPositionInfo
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing) ([LibWarning'] -> LibErrWarns)
-> (List1 LibWarning' -> [LibWarning'])
-> List1 LibWarning'
-> LibErrWarns
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. List1 LibWarning' -> [Item (List1 LibWarning')]
List1 LibWarning' -> [LibWarning']
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
raiseErrors' :: MonadWriter LibErrWarns m => List1 LibError' -> m ()
raiseErrors' :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadWriter LibErrWarns m =>
List1 LibError' -> m ()
raiseErrors' = LibErrWarns -> m ()
forall w (m :: * -> *). MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
tell (LibErrWarns -> m ())
-> (List1 LibError' -> LibErrWarns) -> List1 LibError' -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LibError' -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> [LibError'] -> LibErrWarns
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (LibError -> Either LibError LibWarning
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (LibError -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> (LibError' -> LibError)
-> LibError'
-> Either LibError LibWarning
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Maybe LibPositionInfo -> LibError' -> LibError
LibError Maybe LibPositionInfo
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing)) ([LibError'] -> LibErrWarns)
-> (List1 LibError' -> [LibError'])
-> List1 LibError'
-> LibErrWarns
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. List1 LibError' -> [Item (List1 LibError')]
List1 LibError' -> [LibError']
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
raiseErrors :: MonadWriter LibErrWarns m => List1 LibError -> m ()
raiseErrors :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadWriter LibErrWarns m =>
List1 LibError -> m ()
raiseErrors = LibErrWarns -> m ()
forall w (m :: * -> *). MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
tell (LibErrWarns -> m ())
-> (List1 LibError -> LibErrWarns) -> List1 LibError -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LibError -> Either LibError LibWarning)
-> [LibError] -> LibErrWarns
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map LibError -> Either LibError LibWarning
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ([LibError] -> LibErrWarns)
-> (List1 LibError -> [LibError]) -> List1 LibError -> LibErrWarns
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. List1 LibError -> [Item (List1 LibError)]
List1 LibError -> [LibError]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
type LibErrorIO = WriterT LibErrWarns (StateT LibState IO)
type LibM = ExceptT LibErrors (WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibState IO))
type LibState = LibCache
data LibCache = LibCache
{ LibCache -> Map [Char] ProjectConfig
projectConfigs :: !(Map FilePath ProjectConfig)
, LibCache -> Map [Char] AgdaLibFile
agdaLibFiles :: !(Map FilePath AgdaLibFile)
deriving ((forall x. LibCache -> Rep LibCache x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibCache x -> LibCache) -> Generic LibCache
forall x. Rep LibCache x -> LibCache
forall x. LibCache -> Rep LibCache x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibCache -> Rep LibCache x
from :: forall x. LibCache -> Rep LibCache x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibCache x -> LibCache
to :: forall x. Rep LibCache x -> LibCache
data LibErrors = LibErrors
{ LibErrors -> [AgdaLibFile]
libErrorsInstalledLibraries :: [AgdaLibFile]
, LibErrors -> List1 LibError
libErrors :: List1 LibError
} deriving (LineNumber -> LibErrors -> ShowS
[LibErrors] -> ShowS
LibErrors -> [Char]
(LineNumber -> LibErrors -> ShowS)
-> (LibErrors -> [Char])
-> ([LibErrors] -> ShowS)
-> Show LibErrors
forall a.
(LineNumber -> a -> ShowS)
-> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibErrors -> ShowS
showsPrec :: LineNumber -> LibErrors -> ShowS
$cshow :: LibErrors -> [Char]
show :: LibErrors -> [Char]
$cshowList :: [LibErrors] -> ShowS
showList :: [LibErrors] -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. LibErrors -> Rep LibErrors x)
-> (forall x. Rep LibErrors x -> LibErrors) -> Generic LibErrors
forall x. Rep LibErrors x -> LibErrors
forall x. LibErrors -> Rep LibErrors x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. LibErrors -> Rep LibErrors x
from :: forall x. LibErrors -> Rep LibErrors x
$cto :: forall x. Rep LibErrors x -> LibErrors
to :: forall x. Rep LibErrors x -> LibErrors
runLibM :: LibM a -> LibState -> IO ((Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]), LibState)
runLibM :: forall a.
LibM a
-> LibCache -> IO ((Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]), LibCache)
runLibM LibM a
m LibCache
s = LibM a
m LibM a
-> (LibM a
-> WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a))
-> WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& LibM a
-> WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runExceptT WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a)
-> (WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a)
-> StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]))
-> StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning])
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& WriterT [LibWarning] (StateT LibCache IO) (Either LibErrors a)
-> StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning])
forall w (m :: * -> *) a. WriterT w m a -> m (a, w)
runWriterT StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning])
-> (StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning])
-> IO ((Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]), LibCache))
-> IO ((Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]), LibCache)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (StateT LibCache IO (Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning])
-> LibCache -> IO ((Either LibErrors a, [LibWarning]), LibCache)
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
`runStateT` LibCache
:: (MonadState LibState m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> m (Maybe ProjectConfig)
getCachedProjectConfig :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadState LibCache m, MonadIO m) =>
[Char] -> m (Maybe ProjectConfig)
getCachedProjectConfig [Char]
path = do
path <- IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [Char] -> m [Char]) -> IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> IO [Char]
canonicalizePath [Char]
Map.lookup path <$> gets projectConfigs
:: (MonadState LibState m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> ProjectConfig -> m ()
storeCachedProjectConfig :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadState LibCache m, MonadIO m) =>
[Char] -> ProjectConfig -> m ()
storeCachedProjectConfig [Char]
path ProjectConfig
conf = do
path <- IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [Char] -> m [Char]) -> IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> IO [Char]
canonicalizePath [Char]
modify \ LibCache
s -> LibCache
s { projectConfigs = Map.insert path conf $ projectConfigs s }
:: (MonadState LibState m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> m (Maybe AgdaLibFile)
getCachedAgdaLibFile :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadState LibCache m, MonadIO m) =>
[Char] -> m (Maybe AgdaLibFile)
getCachedAgdaLibFile [Char]
path = do
path <- IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [Char] -> m [Char]) -> IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> IO [Char]
canonicalizePath [Char]
Map.lookup path <$> gets agdaLibFiles
:: (MonadState LibState m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> AgdaLibFile -> m ()
storeCachedAgdaLibFile :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadState LibCache m, MonadIO m) =>
[Char] -> AgdaLibFile -> m ()
storeCachedAgdaLibFile [Char]
path AgdaLibFile
lib = do
path <- IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO [Char] -> m [Char]) -> IO [Char] -> m [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> IO [Char]
canonicalizePath [Char]
modify \ LibCache
s -> LibCache
s { agdaLibFiles = Map.insert path lib $ agdaLibFiles s }
formatLibError :: [AgdaLibFile] -> LibError -> Doc
formatLibError :: [AgdaLibFile] -> LibError -> Doc
formatLibError [AgdaLibFile]
installed (LibError Maybe LibPositionInfo
mc LibError'
e) =
case (Maybe LibPositionInfo
mc, LibError'
e) of
(Just LibPositionInfo
c, LibParseError LibParseError
err) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
sep [ LibPositionInfo -> LibParseError -> Doc
formatLibPositionInfo LibPositionInfo
c LibParseError
err, LibError' -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibError'
e ]
(Maybe LibPositionInfo
_ , LibNotFound{} ) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat [ LibError' -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibError'
e, [AgdaLibFile] -> Doc
prettyInstalledLibraries [AgdaLibFile]
installed ]
(Maybe LibPositionInfo, LibError')
_ -> LibError' -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibError'
formatLibErrors :: LibErrors -> Doc
formatLibErrors :: LibErrors -> Doc
formatLibErrors (LibErrors [AgdaLibFile]
libs List1 LibError
errs) =
[Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (LibError -> Doc) -> [LibError] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ([AgdaLibFile] -> LibError -> Doc
formatLibError [AgdaLibFile]
libs) ([LibError] -> [Doc]) -> [LibError] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ List1 LibError -> [Item (List1 LibError)]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
List1.toList List1 LibError
hasLineNumber :: LibParseError -> Maybe LineNumber
hasLineNumber :: LibParseError -> Maybe LineNumber
hasLineNumber = \case
BadLibraryName [Char]
_ -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. Maybe a
ReadFailure [Char]
_ IOException
_ -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. Maybe a
MissingFields List1 [Char]
_ -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. Maybe a
DuplicateFields List1 [Char]
_ -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. Maybe a
MissingFieldName LineNumber
l -> LineNumber -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just LineNumber
BadFieldName LineNumber
l [Char]
_ -> LineNumber -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just LineNumber
MissingColonForField LineNumber
l [Char]
_ -> LineNumber -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just LineNumber
ContentWithoutField LineNumber
l -> LineNumber -> Maybe LineNumber
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just LineNumber
formatLibPositionInfo :: LibPositionInfo -> LibParseError -> Doc
formatLibPositionInfo :: LibPositionInfo -> LibParseError -> Doc
formatLibPositionInfo (LibPositionInfo Maybe [Char]
libFile LineNumber
lineNum [Char]
file) = \case
ReadFailure [Char]
_ IOException
| Just [Char]
lf <- Maybe [Char]
-> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
lf, Doc
":", LineNumber -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LineNumber
lineNum, Doc
":" ]
| Bool
-> Doc
forall a. Null a => a
e | Just LineNumber
l <- LibParseError -> Maybe LineNumber
hasLineNumber LibParseError
-> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
file, Doc
":", LineNumber -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LineNumber
l, Doc
":" ]
| Bool
-> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
file, Doc
":" ]
prettyInstalledLibraries :: [AgdaLibFile] -> Doc
prettyInstalledLibraries :: [AgdaLibFile] -> Doc
prettyInstalledLibraries [AgdaLibFile]
installed =
[Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Doc
"Installed libraries:" Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:) ([Doc] -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Doc -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. LineNumber -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest LineNumber
2) ([Doc] -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
if [AgdaLibFile] -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null [AgdaLibFile]
installed then [Doc
else [ [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
sep [ LibName -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (LibName -> Doc) -> LibName -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AgdaLibFile -> LibName
_libName AgdaLibFile
l, LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. LineNumber -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest LineNumber
2 (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
_libFile AgdaLibFile
l ]
| AgdaLibFile
l <- [AgdaLibFile]
instance Pretty LibError' where
pretty :: LibError' -> Doc
pretty = \case
LibrariesFileNotFound [Char]
path -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
[ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
"Libraries file not found:"
, [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
LibNotFound LibrariesFile
file LibName
lib -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[ [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ Doc
"Library '", LibName -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibName
lib, Doc
"' not found." ]
, [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
sep [ Doc
"Add the path to its .agda-lib file to"
, LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. LineNumber -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest LineNumber
2 (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char]
"'" [Char] -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ LibrariesFile -> [Char]
lfPath LibrariesFile
file [Char] -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
, Doc
"to install."
AmbiguousLib LibName
lib List2 AgdaLibFile
tgts -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
sep [ [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ Doc
"Ambiguous library '", LibName -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibName
lib, Doc
"'." ]
, Doc
"Could refer to any one of"
Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [ LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. LineNumber -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest LineNumber
2 (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LibName -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (AgdaLibFile -> LibName
_libName AgdaLibFile
l) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AgdaLibFile -> [Char]
_libFile AgdaLibFile
l) | AgdaLibFile
l <- List2 AgdaLibFile -> [Item (List2 AgdaLibFile)]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
toList List2 AgdaLibFile
tgts ]
SeveralAgdaLibFiles [Char]
root List2 [Char]
files -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
sep [ Doc
"The project root", [Char] -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [Char]
root ]
Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Doc
"may contain only one .agda-lib file, but I found several:"
Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: ([Char] -> Doc) -> [[Char]] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((Doc
"-" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+>) (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [Char] -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty) ([[Char]] -> [[Char]]
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
List.sort ([[Char]] -> [[Char]]) -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ List2 [Char] -> [Item (List2 [Char])]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
toList List2 [Char]
LibParseError LibParseError
err -> LibParseError -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibParseError
ReadError IOException
e [Char]
msg -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
[ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char]
, [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IOException -> [Char]
forall e. Exception e => e -> [Char]
showIOException IOException
DuplicateExecutable [Char]
exeFile Text
exe List2 (LineNumber, [Char])
paths -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ Doc
"Duplicate entries for executable '", ([Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> (Text -> [Char]) -> Text -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> [Char]
unpack) Text
exe, Doc
"' in ", [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
exeFile, Doc
":" ] Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
((LineNumber, [Char]) -> Doc) -> [(LineNumber, [Char])] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (\ (LineNumber
ln, [Char]
fp) -> LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. LineNumber -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest LineNumber
2 (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (LineNumber -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LineNumber
ln Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
fp) (List2 (LineNumber, [Char]) -> [Item (List2 (LineNumber, [Char]))]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
toList List2 (LineNumber, [Char])
instance Pretty LibParseError where
pretty :: LibParseError -> Doc
pretty = \case
BadLibraryName [Char]
s -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
[ Doc
"Bad library name:", Doc -> Doc
quotes ([Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
s) ]
ReadFailure [Char]
file IOException
e -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
[ [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hsep [ Doc
"Failed to read library file", [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
file Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
"." ]
, Doc
"Reason:" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text (IOException -> [Char]
forall e. Exception e => e -> [Char]
showIOException IOException
MissingFields List1 [Char]
xs -> Doc
"Missing" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> List1 [Char] -> Doc
listFields List1 [Char]
DuplicateFields List1 [Char]
xs -> Doc
"Duplicate" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> List1 [Char] -> Doc
listFields List1 [Char]
MissingFieldName LineNumber
l -> LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall {p} {a}. p -> a -> a
atLine LineNumber
l (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
"Missing field name"
BadFieldName LineNumber
l [Char]
s -> LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall {p} {a}. p -> a -> a
atLine LineNumber
l (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
"Bad field name" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text (ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show [Char]
MissingColonForField LineNumber
l [Char]
s -> LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall {p} {a}. p -> a -> a
atLine LineNumber
l (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
"Missing ':' for field " Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text (ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show [Char]
ContentWithoutField LineNumber
l -> LineNumber -> Doc -> Doc
forall {p} {a}. p -> a -> a
atLine LineNumber
l (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc
"Missing field"
listFields :: List1 [Char] -> Doc
listFields List1 [Char]
xs = [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hsep ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ List1 [Char] -> Doc
forall {a} {c}. (Sized a, IsString c) => a -> c
fieldS List1 [Char]
xs Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: List1 [Char] -> [Doc]
list List1 [Char]
fieldS :: a -> c
fieldS a
xs = a -> c -> c -> c
forall a c. Sized a => a -> c -> c -> c
singPlural a
xs c
"field:" c
list :: List1 [Char] -> [Doc]
list = Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => Doc -> t Doc -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
comma ([Doc] -> [Doc])
-> (List1 [Char] -> [Doc]) -> List1 [Char] -> [Doc]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ([Char] -> Doc) -> [[Char]] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Doc -> Doc
quotes (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text) ([[Char]] -> [Doc])
-> (List1 [Char] -> [[Char]]) -> List1 [Char] -> [Doc]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. List1 [Char] -> [[Char]]
List1 [Char] -> [Item (List1 [Char])]
forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
atLine :: p -> a -> a
atLine p
l = a -> a
forall a. a -> a
instance Pretty LibWarning where
pretty :: LibWarning -> Doc
pretty (LibWarning Maybe LibPositionInfo
mc LibWarning'
w) =
case Maybe LibPositionInfo
mc of
Maybe LibPositionInfo
Nothing -> LibWarning' -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibWarning'
Just (LibPositionInfo Maybe [Char]
_ LineNumber
_ [Char]
file) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Doc -> Doc
hcat [ [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text [Char]
file, Doc
":"] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
<+> LibWarning' -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty LibWarning'
instance Pretty LibWarning' where
pretty :: LibWarning' -> Doc
pretty (UnknownField [Char]
s) = [Char] -> Doc
forall a. [Char] -> Doc a
text ([Char] -> Doc) -> [Char] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char]
"Unknown field '" [Char] -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
s [Char] -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
instance Hashable LibName
instance Null LibName where
empty :: LibName
empty = Text -> [Integer] -> LibName
LibName Text
forall a. Null a => a
empty [Integer]
forall a. Null a => a
null :: LibName -> Bool
null (LibName Text
a [Integer]
b) = Text -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null Text
a Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& [Integer] -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null [Integer]
instance Null LibCache where
empty :: LibCache
empty = Map [Char] ProjectConfig -> Map [Char] AgdaLibFile -> LibCache
LibCache Map [Char] ProjectConfig
forall a. Null a => a
empty Map [Char] AgdaLibFile
forall a. Null a => a
null :: LibCache -> Bool
null (LibCache Map [Char] ProjectConfig
a Map [Char] AgdaLibFile
b) = Map [Char] ProjectConfig -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null Map [Char] ProjectConfig
a Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map [Char] AgdaLibFile -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null Map [Char] AgdaLibFile
instance NFData ExecutablesFile
instance NFData LibrariesFile
instance NFData ProjectConfig
instance NFData AgdaLibFile
instance NFData LibName
instance NFData LibCache
instance NFData LibPositionInfo
instance NFData LibWarning
instance NFData LibWarning'
instance NFData LibError
instance NFData LibError'
instance NFData LibErrors
instance NFData LibParseError
instance NFData E.IOException where rnf :: IOException -> ()
rnf IOException
_ = ()