-- The Agda standard library
-- Recomputable types and their algebra as Harrop formulas

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Relation.Nullary.Recomputable where

open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Data.Irrelevant using (Irrelevant; irrelevant; [_])
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core using (¬_)

    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Definition
-- The idea of being 'recomputable' is that, given an *irrelevant* proof
-- of a proposition `A` (signalled by being a value of type `.A`, all of
-- whose inhabitants are identified up to definitional equality, and hence
-- do *not* admit pattern-matching), one may 'promote' such a value to a
-- 'genuine' value of `A`, available for subsequent eg. pattern-matching.

Recomputable : (A : Set a)  Set a
Recomputable A = .A  A

-- Fundamental property: 'promotion' is a constant function

recompute-constant : (r : Recomputable A) (p q : A)  r p  r q
recompute-constant r p q = refl

-- Constructions

-- Irrelevant types are Recomputable

irrelevant-recompute : Recomputable (Irrelevant A)
irrelevant (irrelevant-recompute [ a ]) = a

-- Corollary: so too is ⊥

⊥-recompute : Recomputable 
⊥-recompute = irrelevant-recompute

_×-recompute_ : Recomputable A  Recomputable B  Recomputable (A × B)
(rA ×-recompute rB) p = rA (p .proj₁) , rB (p .proj₂)

_→-recompute_ : (A : Set a)  Recomputable B  Recomputable (A  B)
(A →-recompute rB) f a = rB (f a)

Π-recompute : (B : A  Set b)  (∀ x  Recomputable (B x))  Recomputable (∀ x  B x)
Π-recompute B rB f a = rB a (f a)

∀-recompute : (B : A  Set b)  (∀ {x}  Recomputable (B x))  Recomputable (∀ {x}  B x)
∀-recompute B rB f = rB f

-- Corollary: negations are Recomputable

¬-recompute : Recomputable (¬ A)
¬-recompute {A = A} = A →-recompute ⊥-recompute